Dick In A Bog

It's happened several times, though almost always noted.

I was hoping for comments along the line of those on the AVClub but it feels like children and and dim adults playing "baby's first critique". Plus about 10x the amount of stupid theories, misconceptions about what happened on screen, and bizarre character fixations.

It's the weekend before stone wall. If bob is around next week there may be reference to it and if he isn't, chances are we will have moved ahead several weeks and it wont be mentioned.

Well, considering they were contracted for one last season, even though it's stretched out over 2 years we get like, 1 or two extra episodes so really, it's a net gain.

He was a drunk just a few episodes ago when peggy was put in charge of him on burger chef, but you are right he's definitely at 'nominal drinking' instead of 'drunk tank ruin the entire company' drinking.

you are. you are so wrong.

Buick is pretty massive business. They will be set if they get buick, probably much much more so than the single experimental car they were on.

Yeah that sucked :< Come on lady, get it together. Who wants to hear that?

Jesus. The kid was sent for adoption immediately after she gave birth. The kid in season 2 is peggy's sister's. They were slightly ambiguous at the beginning of that season about it and then very very explicit.

*Someone* only. It's devolves into the same quipy remarks I make when I'm having drinks with friends chatting about shows we watch. To be frank, it's not insightful or particularly fun to read, and comes off more like tumblr run off than something someone gets paid to write (OTP jokes? Character pairing? For fucks

The point is, if it's what you want, it's genuine, even if it's about a product your are trying to hawk. It's a revelation, coming from don. We all perceive him to be ingenuine because of his double life, but don draper is exactly who he wishes.

Yeah it bugs me we never saw her again, even in a passing capacity. Really any time spent with bert would have been interesting. He's such a wallflower , appearance wise, most of the time.

No shit. Peggy is great. Joan is great. Even when they aren't being fucking pillars of light.

When meredith took over for Dawn temporarily I was like "oh god." but she has been delightful ever since.

This episode takes place literally the weekend before the riots.

Newly wed to a beautiful, high class woman, up and coming ad creative, child on the way, aint no body know who he is or where he came from; yeah that sounds just about like perfection for Don Draper.

GM is moving the secret project in house BUT GM loved the work SCP did. Bob is being brought into buick as an executive because GM loved him the most. Therefore, the implication is GM is open to work with SCP again and Bob is (was) planning to bring Buick from mccann to SCP.

It's "one" season because they contracted for 7 seasons, shot it all as they would for one season, and split it up for reatings / awards / whatever reasons.

It's definitely some visual story telling. There were pictures on T&L from that baseball movie's premier and he looks a DECADE younger than he does in madmen right now.

None of that is content, that's all about spectrum use and abuse, and using the technology involved with cable delivery for important public interest (IE, EAS and closed captioning).