
Agreed. When I was a kid, all I ever wanted in the world was for one of my teams to win a championship. The Devils won the Stanley Cup in 2000 and it was all I ever wanted. Until I wanted it again in 2001 10000x times more. When bozos write that Boston fans should just be happy with what they have won, it’s 100% clear

18-1? I hope you are a Giants fan?

11 years ago?

You assume that I or any Red Sox fan is concerned with what you think about the 2004 Red Sox. So presumptuous. And vein.

Maybe now you can understand it’s not that the Red Sox or the Patriots or the Yankees or the Spurs or their fans are annoying, it’s just that American’s en mass love to tear down anyone successfull. Sad!

“Nobody gives a shit who’s “other teams” fans are also their fans except maybe the Red Sox.”

Yeah, this is silly and obviously written by someone who is bitter because his teams have never won. As if I will just be content with my team winning a title and react like I am some Amish guy quietly selling a quilt.

He’s already more successful than you, even with your 40 year head start. Go Pats!

All the LOLs @ that. Don’t mind me, I just really dislike all Pittsburgh sports teams.

COUNTERPOINT: What was the exit velocity of the Luis Gonzalez single that won game 7 of the 2001 World Series?

The reports that Pittsburgh fans paid $1000+ for SRO tickets just warms my cockles.

The letters in that football write jokes all by themselves.

If it makes Simmons sad, I am willing to deal with it.

The other day I was in the bathroom at work and I felt something on my neck. I brushed it away and it was a lightning bug. It flew down to the sink and I thought nothing of it.

I’m gonna stick with timing it. It’s easier and I’m not trying to win a spaghetti cooking contest.

I might not sleep tonight after reading this.

Timer — How the hell else would you know it’s done?

Back in the day, I had a co-worker named Tim W. Another co-worker and I immediately started calling him Tim Whatley and then just Whatley based on the character from Seinfeld. We loved it. Then that guy quit, and we didn’t want to lose the fun over calling a guy Whatley for no reason, so we started calling the new guy

Beat....the government?

Ladies and Gentleman, my home town!