
Hang a ‘2015 Brady Beats Goodell’ banner right next to the Super Bowl 49 banner.

I don’t know about you, but I’m cured.

He can pad his stats against the Raiders all year but he can’t last the postseason any more dude.

This picture...it was part of a reader series about something? What was that? I remember it being humorous.

Eh. I was more impressed with the way the Patriots blew the doors off the Texans franchise over those two games than by the last two seasons from Watt. Infinitely.


I bet you he’s had at least once chance at liposuction in his life and declined in favor of not messing up the tattoo.

Is that supposed to be Jerry Jones? It doesn’t even remotely look like Jerry Jones.

You’d care if it were Trump or Jeb or any other Republican.

Bite your tongue. I come for the NFL picks, I stay for the Robert Evans’ MVP Watch (I am just old enough to understand the dated references).

Nicer dodge. I guess you missed the part where the rich, white, entitled owner wants to keep him? Granted I’m not listening to DC sports talk radio, but I haven’t heard one example of Gruden or the OL or anyone else on the team not liking him because he is an ‘uppity black.’

Where has it even been hinted?

Well we made it this far before race was brought up.

1 person killed with a gun outweighs 100 people using a gun responsibly.

Lancaster County

Freaking Dainus Zurbus should just take all the money he has swindled from various NHL owners over the years and just move to the mountains and stop bothering people. That guy has no freaking shame.

From the mountains to the prairies...

the fans will hate because they can’t sit in the suburban parking lots drinking Fireball out of the finger holes of a bowling ball

I’ve never seen more people make complete pigs and asses and fools out of themselves more than at Bills games.

The fat drunk sitting next to me spent the entirety of the first half trying to

There have been several instances of in-game violations and those teams were either warned (the Vikings and Panthers just this past season were only warned for warming up the balls on the sidelines) or fined (the Chargers for using stick-um). It’s way out of what from what they have done in the recent past.