
I’ve been an NBA fan here and there, but in my mind it’s totally bent towards basketball and not just during the playoffs.

It’s silly to even suggest that it’s not 51% NBA and 50% pop-culture/the other sports. And the divide is probably more than that.

AS LONG as he puts an immediate halt to the deluge of NBA coverage, I'm okay with it.

Check to see if your employer has a plan where you can get a discounted membership. Mine does for BJs and it only costs me $25.

Yes, I am jealous as well. It must be great on the other side.

Who on Earth could they hire that would make a cynic like me happy?

I like how the Devils just wait everything out, having to pick from the scraps, just like players and free agency. It wouldn't surprise me if they freaking went and hired John Maclean or Kevin Constantine again. I'm about finished with them.

Please assure me that Sepp Blatter ends up in chains.

The Eagles are better.

The answer is: You stand up, spin move and then reach out with your foot and flush while pulling up your pants.

I’ve only had a corn dog once. It was at my friend’s house and his (single/divorced) dad had trouble coming up with lunch for us, so he busted out the corn dogs. I was probably only 11 years old and I still realized that this was horrible parenting from my friend's dad.

Look at that kid in the background.

Turkey > Beef and it's not even that close.

Watermelon has no flavor. And it's horrible for your pancreas.

You are alone.

I am stealing it. Sorry.

Unsweetened Ice Tea is the nectar of the Gods.

They lost, but Toews is the best player in the NHL, bar none.

Does anyone remember Matt Nokes doing this to Roger Clemens?

The real list: