
Oh is it? Theoretically, if they have all of the texts from McNally’s phone and Jarastremski’s phone, then they would have all the texts to and fro with Brady.

I hope sometime in my life I encounter a situation where I can reply to someone with "With your fingers, lady."

Shit...I've wasted a lot of time on the subject.

I like DB Cooper. I didn't say it was reasonable.

That's a rumor that had circulated on the internets.

I have never watched one episode. But I tried watching the show last night because I heard a rumor that Don Draper was going to end up being DB Cooper. That would have been cool.

Is it huge? Commensurate to their 'crime', absolutely.

I do enjoy how if this crime, investigation and penalty were looked at, in a vacuum that didn’t include the Patriots or Brady, Belichick and Kraft, it would be seen for what it is: Unproven Jaywalking with a Keystone Cops Investigation and a 1940s USSR judgement call.

I think you miss the perspective. The Patriots were hammered for the most insignificant ‘violation’ ever, insomuch that the league never even bothered to police it or care about it until the media forced them into it. Crime and punishment are not even.

LOL @ "easy on them."

That's yours, right?

Suck it Simmons!

If everyone here on Kinja AND Anna Kendrick were on the Titanic, I’d have saved her first, then made sure she was warm and comfortable, while you all drowned.

What a great band photo. And a great band.

Without question.

Hmm...Adam Schefter. Barry Melrose. Colin Cowherd (ducking).

Sam Gash.

Loco, he claimed that he only knew him as Burt or Bird, he didn't know what his name was.

At the very least, we are closer to the opportunity to not hear him refer to any Clippers game as a 'life experience.'

Really don't understand what you've seen (on TV or the report) that would lead you to believe that he lied, as least yet.