
Jessie looked better in a bikini.

probably because her name was Kapowski?

I think when you get down to it, aside from the theme song, that quote might be the most memorable thing I'll take away from that show.

Ehh never cared for Kelly. Muffin Sangria was hotter.

Just an amazing scene. The first time I watched this movie, this came along out of nowhere and it was real and it was spectacular.


Was weekdays at 4:05 and 4:35 on TBS not an afterschool institution for nearly every kid from my generation??

Some people like harder, more intense and longer hangovers the next morning?

Miller High Life: A beer that, when I drank it like a maniac, would give me gunky eye, beer shits, dry mouth and headaches the next morning.

I get that as something becomes big and annoying, the internet turns on it and shits all over it.

Why do you care what a sideline reporter has to do or say? Why does her doing a bad job annoy you?

Erin Andrews has never done anything wrong. If you dislike her, you have a problem with women and you need to address that.

Albert, how would you rate McDonalds french fries vs. Hardee's curly fries?

I love when I see things on TV and immediately think Deadspin will be all over this...and POW...there it is!

Seriously. Amish people legitimately sell quilts for $800-$1000.

Haha all that work to make a single comment. Not that I'm disagreeing, mind you.

The E A G L E S chant might be the most annoying thing about living in Lancaster, PA and that includes getting stuck behind Amish buggies all the time.

I just can't wrap my head around the signing of Stephen Drew. No defense for it.

Oh wait, I think I had gastroenteritis once. Didn't affect my bathroom activity, tho.
