Dickhead Killjoy Jr.

*Trump tweets Ludacris' address*

Nooo, he raped Billy the Big Mouth Bass?!

I'm hesitant, but… were else we gonna go? Suggestions pleez!

Apparently, yes, Kinja iz coming soon.

Hmmm. Yes, I see, I see.

It feels really odd, no? I dunno, I've never heard of a news source basically threatening to reveal an identity, usually they are trying to hide identities.

This is one of those two things situations, methinks.

Ah-haaa, busted!

Seems like they are trying to make an example out of this person, which…is not professional in the world of journalism, I think?

You must admit, it is a pretty polarizing and confusing time to be alive. Tempers tend to run a bit hot!

The Kinjapocalypse will wash these dirty streets clean.

No, no, that is a prerequisite!

what'd you call 'em?

I got a bad feeling about this…

*adjusts Clockwork Orange head gear*

This feels like one of those "teachable moments" people are always talking about.

Imagine fucking Pam Anderson in government housing.

And in the hive of scum and villainy that is Hollywood, no less!

*momentarily stops stabbing Sean O'Neal effigy*

oh shit, good luck