
I’ll be honest I thought the appeal of NTR was imagining yourself as the guy doing the stealing...

Isn’t this what they’re trying to avoid? They want passionate fans, but they don’t want skinhead NYC FC ultras and antifa Timbers ultras using games as pretext for brawls. 

I guarantee you it didn’t go through several channels of approval. People think that all large corporations have good internal controls but F21 is in the position they’re in because everything is controlled by the sons/daughters of the founders doing whatever they want.

$15 million per episode for this last season, so roughly $90 million total. I think the estimated audience was 15 million so I don’t think that’s necessarily great margins, but I’m not in the TV biz.

She doesn’t have everything. She knows Jon has a better claim, and that others know it. She knows that people prefer him in Westeros. So she decides to instill fear since he won’t marry her.

She’s wanted to do the whole genocide thing before, especially in Mereen. She just got talked out of it. She gets pissed when people defy her

She never had empathy for the innocent. She just fucks up anyone who defies her, innocent or not. It just so happens that 99% of the people she fucks up are “evil” to us and we see her POV. But she crucified innocent people. Hell she wanted to burn Yunkai and the other slaver cities to the ground for defying her in

Your big assumption is that there’s cheap funding out there for lending to people with bad credit, and there really isn’t. Prime is 5.25% right now, and a payday lender wouldn’t be able to get anywhere close to Prime. 

1) Basically everyone in that social level in SoCal’s kid/niece/nephew goes to USC. When I was a freshman there Adam Sandler would be there weekly to play tennis with his nephew. Ballmer’s kid was in my roommate’s frat. I saw Miranda Cosgrove get demolished by a bike.

The USC equivalent is still suspended AFAIK. The investigation trigger was making freshmen swim laps at a fundraiser for students with disabilities put on by the school.

Public transportation is winning in urban areas but not rural, fwiw

I think part of it is that a lot of MMA judges are really shitty and don’t know MMA that well (hello Adalaide Byrd) so they’re biased towards the cash cows. The cash cows usually (i) fight with more exciting styles and (ii) elicit crowd responses regardless if what they’re doing is working.

I remember trying for weeks to beat Army Dillo 2 in Donkey Kong 64. I thought I was just not good enough, but I tried it again years later and I just had a glitched copy of the game where he couldn’t die. 

The funniest musician banner is the Staples Center Taylor Swift banner, which I’m pretty sure is just there to troll Clippers fans. 

If you’re 22-25 or so, and have some scratch to invest, why not Bitcoin? You’ve got years to make up whatever you lose and the potential is greater than stocks etc. Basically if you’re ahead of the retirement curve and young, why not try and shoot the moon with this - its a very, very aggressive addition to your

There’s a couple of regulated exchanges. The Winklevii set up one called Gemini.

Just got an unsportsmanlike penalty for stepping on Zach Banner’s ankle. BK needs to get him out of there before anything worse happens.