
No because you hardly ever had to work on those old datsuns or open the hood to check fluids etc......ha ha ha!

Are there any that lock automatically then you lift them a bit more and they unlock themselves and you can close them? 

I know this is a few years old but still apparently an issue. Thing is, even though in the US women’s soccer draws more viewers than men, world wide they do not. And the money the teams get and have to pay the players with come from world wide viewership.

You going to be hard pressed to find any old works of literature that don’t have racist overtone and straight out racism. That’s unfortunately the way things were and we’re still not out of it completely.

Yeah as a white guy that read Black Like Me, it didn’t really tell me anything I didn’t already know about black people getting treated much differently than white folks. And any white person that denies it is lying and they know it.

Well I could see if the kid was yelling all day long that would get pretty annoying, but I doubt if the woman was in her apartment with the windows closed she hear it that loud.

I can’t stand her facelifted squinty eyes no matter how good the rest of her might look.

What’s interesting to me as a white guys is that almost any nickname you might call white folks, even if you mean it in a derogatory way, will not offend white folks because most think being a white person is good better so it’s ok regardless of how you mean it.

As far as peanuts and black people, it was actually a Black Scientist, George Washington Carver that showed how useful peanuts were. Before that almost no one grew them. Sad that it was used as a derogatory term for black folks though.

I believe a lot of folks go into law enforcement specifically so they can treat some folks like shit and get away with it. We really need to find a way to weed those folks out before they do this, and definately after they do this..

I don’t know if the husband could have done anything. Some people, especially spouses, you just have to stand near by and hope they don’t go too far off the deep end. And if they do you just have to help them out when they finally calm down. If you try to help it can send them over the edge even faster.