
That’s Dave Chapelle! You know how I know? Because he talks about it, at length, in the fucking special, because his ONE friendship with an adoring trans person who defended him to justify every transphobic thing he has said and done as a way to invalidate, entirely, the criticism an ever-larger segment of the trans

I agree 100%, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek there.

was the disclosure that Netflix had paid Chappelle $24.1 million for The Closer

To be fair he took a *bit* of a shot at black men in a joke where he talked about how much it broke his heart to see videos of black guys beating up Asians for no reason (this comes in the middle of a bit about how he had covid, with the punchline being that he realized the same thing was happening in his body, i.e.

Boy, if you got from that article, somehow, that the author thinks Chapelle’s jokes aren’t really all that anti-trans, I’m not sure what to tell you. Her point is that in addition to ALSO being anti-trans, they don’t even bother to be original. It’s hack shit. Chapelle claims the mantle of an artist, and does not

you said what you said, don’t be mad because i’m grappling with what you actually said.  you don’t even understand what sort of equality women want, are repeatedly claiming true equality is impossible, and are purporting to now speak for what women actually want.

equality for women is impossible?  man, kind of astonishing the bedfellows the trans issue makes

I’m not sure what your point is. Yeah, here I am. (Also, I did just watch it, and, yeah, unsurprisingly, my characterization is accurate.  As it turns out, he said the shit he was quoted as saying!).

I didn’t call you a transphobe.

Credit where credit’s due, this quite well-written defense convinced me to watch the special. I’m not trans, so it’s not my place to tell the trans community they are overreacting or whatever, but I can decide for myself whether I think he’s just kinda being ignorant (which is what I concluded about past specials

Lol, I love it. “No, I’m not saying you’re characterization of anything he said is wrong, but goddamit, which do you actually have to point it out?”  (Also, you should watch your use of the word “purporting.”)

No, I read actual quotes of what he actually said. 

Okay, many females do not feel that way.


I really wish comedians would think a bit harder before trying to “get a rise” out of communities who every day have to struggle just to be allowed to exist. 

He called himself a fucking TERF! He jumped to the defense of a woman who has insisted on using her massive platform to paint trans women as dangerous liars, an extremely harmful stereotype! He can see he doesn’t have a problem with trans people all he wants, but his own words put the lie to that pretty clearly! I

Oh wow, so he bookended his rant where he shits on trans people because Caitlyn Jenner had an easier time changing her name in 2015 than Muhammed Ali in the 60’s, misrepresents the significance of Caitlyn Jenner being one of like a hundred Glamour women of the year in 2015, comes to the defense of a person who spreads

What everyone is doing is making a point about the special! That’s the point. And yes, you absolutely dismissed her by saying she was only cherry picking things from the special to support her point.

I knew I shouldn’t have bothered. You didn’t demonstrate that any of Malloy’s observations were unfair, you just criticized her for not basically quoting and grappling with the entire special, which no critic ever does! Everyone analyzing a thing picks and chooses which parts to highlight.

I mean, calling himself a TERF and defending JK Rowling and decrying that Caitlyn Jenner had an easier time changing her name than Muhammad Ali seem pretty clear cut as to who the butt of the joke is, and I haven’t seen many people (whether supporting or criticizing him), interpret those bits as making fun of