You might have a law degree but you don’t know shit about guns.
You might have a law degree but you don’t know shit about guns.
It isnt a real gatling gun. The 10/22’s barrel is in the center with a fake barrel arrangement that spins. The crank actuator just spins the barrels and fires the ‘stock’ rifle.
My kid wouldn't be some asshole who disrespected their teacher. Your belief that kids should be able to get away with anything is horrifying. She deserved what she got.
Dear men,
Dear men,
Love that turn.
These reviews of oddball prototypes remind me of ole time internet days of making fun of children's drawings.
This was exactly what came to mind. Most of the good outdoor ranges in CT have either been shutdown or severely limited by recent home buyers who bought their house near a 100 year old range, then complained and sued the range for noise. Its complete bull that stuff like this can happen, while people in Hartford…
But one is slightly a loser, like a jay walker. The other guy is the person who saw the person jay walking and said “Fuck that uppity little shit on the motorbike! I’m going to knock his ass to the ground!” Not thinking for one second that he could kill or seriously maim or paralyze that person.
Not to beat on someone that’s already down, but WTF. The rider was an idiot. Don’t do illegal shit will riding illegally.