
I really dislike this show but I watch it
like one would watch a bad accident. You can't take your eyes off it's so bad. I literally yell at the tv when watching. Shawn Ashmore is easy on the eyes though and I love Connie Neilsen's hair!~

A Recockulously bad episode which is sad considering how good last week was. The only upside? Warlow is gone. And where was the "supposed dream" scene with Eric and Jason? I guess that will be next year. Seeya then!!!! Shalom~

I wish his gym was in my neighborhood!!! :)~

"I LOVE YOU, JASON STACKHOUSE!" (Steve to Sarah). Televisions moment of the year!!

She was Paul's crazy sister. Kinda weird seeing her cootch et al ~

*** Terry was a downer. He's holding Arlene (fast becoming my fave) back. She's better single and bitter! Besides, LaFayette will bring him back when they open the safe deposit box

I imagine Detective Sonya Cross (Kruger) is what Sheldon Cooper (BBT) would really be like if portrayed accurately.

Couple comments Carrie (BTW, Hi, my name is also Cary!)


Up was a wonderful movie~ I never cared for either Cars

Kirk - "Drop your drawers Khan. I'm about to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Good ole Multiple Migs. How we miss his witty self ~

I need you to put more money in the slot before I take any thing else off ~

I cannot stand most laugh tracks yet understand their need. They are the #1 reason I could never watch most NBC sitcoms (Cosby/Sienfield aside). I think Friends was the all time offender. The show is still unwatchable because of the"hilarious" laughter after every single line. Pray that BBT doesn't follow the same

The jokes are already cliché (probably not homophobic). Let's see. Likes show tunes; teeny tiny dog; Great party planner and interior designer etc etc etc. Why are (almost) all of you so against Raj (possibly) being gay? I've followed most of the letter writers all season and none of you strike me as homophobic

Good point MD. I never had any problems talking to women. It just seems that all the writers signs have pointed at Raj being gay (in my opinion). I do know many effeminate men who truly are straight but even Leonard's mom points out his"latent homosexuality". Plus, call me selfish but if any comedy could do a gay

He doesn't"turn" gay. He is gay. Many people, due to society's pressure, try to find love with the opposite sex even though in their hearts they know that they prefer a same sex relationship. I should know; That's exactly what I did.

Repeat after me. Raj is gay. That's the way the show should proceed. The comic shop owner angle was far more romantic and funny than Lucy ~

Crap crap and more crap. I think they should have offed Claire and let Joe and Ryan run off together in a limo driven by Emma. Hughest disappointment - I was sure that Iceman (Mike) would end up being a cultist but apparently I'm a way better writer than the writers! I doubt I'll be back for season 2 as I don't

BBT had the perfect opportunity to move Raj to the realization that yes he is gay and instead chose to give him an aneorxic goth looking mousey girlfriend that we could care less about. I really thought BBT had the balls to pursue a relationship with the comic shop owner who I thought worked very well with Raj but