
And the dragons apparently can fly at Mach 10 as well. Totally absurd.

I wish I could tell you that Jon fought the good fight, and he let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but beyond the wall is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile.

I guess Mac had to do all the typing of the subtitles since Charlie is illiterate.

Here's the problem with this mindset: Pitchfork and their sheep these days leghump every single indie electronica record (which is like 90% of non-folk indie music these days) as the second coming. The more intentionally weirder the artist tries to be, the higher the praise. At some point, though, the attempt to be

…lie back down.


The problem with some people is that they have been conditioned by the vast majority of other TV dramas to expect constant cliffhangers like murders, death, reveals of new big-bads, etc. that they can't appreciate a more smoldering pace. Breaking Bad is actually just as guilty in that regard, as good as it was. This

Listen to "Postcard from 1952" on their last album Take Care, Take Care, Take Care. It's as good as anything from Earth, and is honestly transcendent of most of their other work.

We used to get high and listen to TEINADCP and other Explosions albums in college, not because BRO LET'S GET STONED BRO, but we found it easier to get really lost in the music in a way you can't sober.

Postcard is one of their best tracks ever, no doubt.

That's also largely because the first two are pretty much the same record. I personally prefer Is This It because it feels less polished than Room on Fire.

Case in point: My Name is Jonas' lyrics are totally and admittedly nonsensical, No One Else is borderline creepy in its obsessive doucheyness, Buddy Holly name drops Mary Tyler Moore as its key hook, Undone has barely any lyrics at all with 8 word verses, and Surf Wax America and Holiday wouldn't sound out of place on

I think it's because they are making big, proggy rock music in an age where, aside from Muse, no one gets big doing that anymore. They deserve more way attention, but 2016 just doesn't have room for them, unfortunately. And yes, I know people who met them at a bar after a show and said they are just the absolute

Wolf's Law does everything here better, IMO. It's more concise and more memorable. This one too often drags tracks on far too long and aside from "Radio of Lips" doesn't really have any earworms.

I thought it ripped off South Park/Cartman a little too much.

I also enjoyed Tonight quite a bit, and I actually thought Right Thoughts was really "meh"…it wasn't bad at all, but it was definitely to me a not-as-good version of their first two records, with none of the earworm singles. There wasn't a single track on it that held my attention, and I haven't listened to it since