Dick Burns

If they leave with anything but a honorable it’s back to jail. Also if they bring back the state nut farms it would only be a matter of time before the social justice warriors start crying about that.

Clown, I clearly stated this kid was a shit bag. When you look at kids being pushed into the system for drugs, theft and fighting I believe they and society would be better severed with military experience. I would not make their rate or M.O.S combat oriented. A lot of these kids are only missing self esteem and

This kid is a shit bag but I’d prefer to see this country give kids a second chance through military service. Before we became a country that loved our prisons judges used to give kids the option of military or jail.

Gawker’s position is to lay on their back as the Hulkster drops the 140 million dollar leg.

Jezebel flies under the Gawker flag so it’s fair. In for a penny in for a pound sweetheart.

Gawker had a lot to say earlier. That was before Hogan dropped the 140 million dollare leg drop.

Brother, are these woman going to get 140 million?

I know one guy the Browns can turn to. He’s a real American. He fights for the rights of every man. He fights for what’s right!