Dick & Bologna

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Jesus, I’ve never met a convict who won’t use a $5 word where a $1 word will do. And usually incorrectly. Must use Strunk and White’s Death Row edition.

How bout that first sentence.....Thesaurus alert....

Unreadable. He’s trying too hard to sound literate. It distracts me from what he is actually saying. A translated version should have been made available

Hold your horses. Clapping is triggering to some snowflakes. Please use jazz hands.


The person had a flower. There should be no respect given for what Pagan did. In fact most of the time American athletes over react to fans on the field and moron sports casters, writers and other fans egg them on by giving them props for reacting like subhumans on the warpath.

You know that feeling you get when you see those families where they all truly love one another and can express it well while you’re reminded of you own dysfunctional family that can barely manage a single holiday without screaming, tears, and changes to the will?

If both candidates would simply step up and release their list of black friends we could settle that debate and move on.

Suggested basic definition for healthy:

Pictured: Skip Bayless

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

BOB, short for Beat-Off Barn, is always a good name for a house full of guys.

Holy crap, that is the most nuanced position I have heard from anybody. #Popovich2020! Make America have long term consistent success like the Spurs!!!

Honestly, I want to throw something every time someone mentions disrespecting the military with respect to these protest. First of all, no. Second of all, who cares about the fragile sensitivities of the military? (I know in general they aren’t, but the right wingers like to talk about the military like they deserve

What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

Odd I’m a Millenial Liberal and I thought she awkward Mom’ed her way to a loss. All the patronizing laughs and cringestar appeals to the Fact Checkers to bail her out were peak Nae Nae Hill tonight. At least 1st half of the debate, but most people were so put to sleep that the 2nd half didn’t count for as many points.

He’s never been that close to actual black people before.

Damn rough way for Arnold Palmer to go