Dick Jokes

Richie Incognito’s Iroquois name is Blabbering Dipshit.

more than the justice system gave him

IBDers: let’s occupy Goodell’s executive bathroom for the next 1.5 seasons

Someone please remind me how many games Ray Rice got for knocking his fiance unconscious? JUST CURIOUS.

as a crohnie, i’d like to say this makes me hate goodell more

If Utah had won, they planned on celebrating by passing around a large Starbucks coffee and letting each player have one tiny sip, Prophet be praised.

This episode brought to you via the Russian broadcast.

If you keep slamming entire gallons of whole milk every day you’re going to do a lot of butt stuff eventually

Only one game can make Christmas great again:

I’ve seen my roommates weird-ass hentai and this is far more disturbing.

Woman not allowed to have complicated feelings about career. News at 10.

Aw, kitty. I’m glad she’s found a safe harbor (and an awesome onesie) after suffering all that.

This is ridiculous. It’s is like cutting off your nose to spite your face and then crying about the void in the middle of your head. It’s like getting liposuction and longing for your fat cells.

Isn’t the star a HIV positive gay man? Pence has a special place in hell for his record fighting against HIV treatment and for conversion therapy.

When other inmates need to be protected for their own safety, they are thrown in solitary.

Wow, didn’t realize the Cavs came back from 3-1 to win the NBA Finals last year. Had the won a title recently? If not, I bet the their fans were pretty excited.

“LeBrang Dangus” -Dr. Steve Brule

“I wish Frankie were dead.”

My neice was 3 when my sister got pregnant with her second. She went straight from stage 1 to 4.