Dick Jokes

In isolation, The Dark Knight Returns is a fantastic Elseworld-ish tale with some fun low-impact satire. When read in the context of his later work you can see his grip on reality began to slip. It gets really disturbing once you start connecting the dots with things like Holy Terror and All-Star Batman and Robin.

Fighting an obviously wrong battle in the face of mounting evidence that he is losing, just because he believes in it, does not make Batman romantic. It makes him George Bush.

Albert, you are a deeply intelligent man with outstanding insights into the moral, physical, and intellectual superiority of Superman. I commend you.


When I hit the part about Frank Miller I put my phone on the counter, whipped out a skillet and fried an egg on that sucker. Scorching, hilarious, pretty accurate.

What would be great would be if Mr. & Mrs. Wayne arranged their estate so Bruce couldn’t touch the money, and had to continually convince his trust manager to buy this shit for him.

We all know Wesley Willis could beat them both up anyway.

Gotta love the announcer:

And the level of immaturity going on in the Gawker posts by their own writers is beyond idiotic. It’s embarrassing. They’re humiliating themselves and making themselves look like utter fools at this point. But hey, this is nothing new; my second banning here was for something I said on Gawker that a writer here didn’t

I work exclusively in MVA-personal injury law and am biting my fucking tongue at everyone who thinks Caitlyn should “have the book thrown at her” and “be thrown in jail.”

Everyone - please don’t bump the trolls.

I find it difficult to understand how the culture we live in can honor a person who is responsible for taking a life and injuring several others

No, that’s not respectful.

That TMZ article about Caitlyn’s crash is dated 7/12/15 and refers to her as “Bruce”

Duke Ocean sounds like Ron Swanson’s smooth jazz alter ego.

Any place that has their own way of using language, their own unique vocabulary, especially replacing strongly negative words with softer sounding euphemisms, is generally a place to stay away from.

Ummmm what? That’s the opposite of what this article says.

Did you miss the fact that the author was a foster kid, not a trust fund baby?

That one amused me, as I’m guessing his point was something about Obama wanting to give (lazy, liberal, and probably black in this guy’s mind) people whatever they want for free... WHILE he was upset that a private business was ONLY giving him a free coffee as opposed to a free expensive espresso drink of his choice.

The coffee story... It fucking amazes me how often people expect ridiculous shit for free. You have to have the imagination and expectations of a young child to read “free small coffee” and think “free complicated coffee based drink.”