Dick Jokes

I think it’s about intentions and settings. For me, a male friend whipping his dick out as a joke in front of a large group of friends (and not targeting one person) is NBD and very different from, say, a stranger or non-friend flashing me while I’m alone on the street. One is threatening, the other isn’t, but like I

I wonder why the Tom Hanks’ love interests are so much closer in age to him. Does he have some input or is it just the types of movies he is in or what?

She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.

I consider myself a very rational, levelheaded person, but by the end of that Top 10 list I was about 30% convinced Andy Kaufman was going to deliver number 1.

Looks like my proposal of keeping the extra point where it was but requiring the fattest guy on the team to kick it was unceremoniously shot down.

In other news, Chris Sheridan rooted for Immorten Joe during Mad Max: Fury Road.

This is how my dad got a Kona championship slot. Mom was pretty livid he spent money so he could spend more money to enter a race which, because my dad is an OCD old person, means he gets to spend more money by renting a house down there to train for two months.

My dad owned a full service Chevron back in the sixties and early seventies. He never talked about work, but now and then he would drop a wisdom nugget about car maintenance during what was otherwise a completely silent dinner. As I got older I realized that he was so pissed off he couldn’t even talk, and whatever car

A friend of mine had the last laugh. He worked in a local dealership garage for nearly 20 years and was fully certified. Only thing about him that made him stand out was his braided ponytail (he was a biker). Everyone knew that whatever was wrong he was one to go to get their car fixed right. Over time he had his

Everything you said, but one of the things I appreciated most was the crude but real physics to everything. How to you stop this truck? Harpoons and fucking anchors! How do I put out this grease fire? Smother that shit with sand! How do we go faster? Spit gasoline right into that fucking engine! How did they make


I’m 100% with you on this. So far all 4 movies have been not only very different in styles, but also barely related at all other than the central Max character.

That’s funny, because you’ve illustrated my problem with all the people who don’t understand what feminism is despite many reiterating it over and over again. Look, to clarify from my feminist perspective and many others, we aren’t claiming the film for ourselves as feminists because it’s about women beating down the

You wrote: “i love this news but also read that Charlize isn’t really on board because both tom hardy and george miller are kinda nuts

How much crazier can they be than Sean Penn?
Please Charlize, girl: PRIORITIES

We laugh now, but let’s not forget what happened in theatres around the country upon the release of Aliens. Sigourney Weaver’s screen presence alone was enough to cause the bras of many young women in attendance to launch straight out of their shirts while spontaneously combusting in mid-air, causing a national panic

I was so happy to see so many journeyman Australian actors in featured roles that the accents of the others didn’t bother me. I was however a bit wistful thinking about Heath Ledger and what might have been.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, this movie is the closest thing to a metal concert outside of an actual metal concert. (I think George Miller is secretly Lemmy.)

Don't you have a bridge to guard?

Me too, Humperdinck, me too.

I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn liter of cola!