Bryce Durbin

Yes, it's a good record
I was afraid it was going to be too twee, but it's actually a decent bunch of songs. It's sad chill-out music.

Yeah, "that's what she said" was huge when I was in middle school circa 1991-1994. The Office just brought it back to TV.

Too bad it's not The Best Show on WFMU's Spike.

Did you mean "The Magic Position"?

Olson's awesome
I was bummed when he left the Jayhawks because I thought he was the real creative force behind the band, but in fact Louris still came up with some great songs (I just wasn't paying enough attention since the late 90s). I saw Olson and Williams play in Minneapolis about six years ago and they were

I couldn't believe how awful the site design is. What's up with the gray drop shadows on all the text?

Another Scharpling homage, eh? Very sneaky, Rabin.

Michael Jackson and Weird Al were the first two musical entities that I was aware of as a little kid, and for a while I was confused about the difference between "Beat It" and "Eat It".

Buddy's Carpet
The voice of Buddy from Buddy's Carpet Barn is ingrained in my head after seeing countless commercials growing up in Columbus, OH. This isn't a great sample, but it's the only one I could find (starts at 1:22): http://www.youtube.com/watc….

The state I am in - 50 films that perfectly captured their settings

I'm bummed.
I really liked his album with Edward Burch.

The Harry Potter series has indeed "gotten better as more skilled flavorful have taken the helm."

Nathan saves the day
Thank you for ending it with a funny.

You know
I prefer the book.

sounds like
The SNES game The Lost Vikings.

duff is hot
there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

i love it
amelie is sarcastic no matter what the assignment.

After hearing Flood from my older brother, I found out They Might Be Giants had a new album out (Apollo 18), so that was what I went out and bought when I was 13. It was in one of those huge sleeves that they had in the early 90s before they realized it was a waste of paper.

Wish I could go.