That’s terrible. I’d have my kid trained to jingle the bell by the door so they can go out and poop in the yard with the dogs.
That’s terrible. I’d have my kid trained to jingle the bell by the door so they can go out and poop in the yard with the dogs.
I was a stay-at-home dad for the first year. My wife told me I’d be the one who had to sleep train the kid because her Cajun mom instincts ABSOLUTELY wouldn’t let her leave a crying child alone. When it came time for a nap, I’d make some coffee, grab a book and the baby monitor and head for the backyard. I’d turn the…
If I ever have a kid, forget sleep training, they’ll be crate-trained by 12 weeks.
That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.
I wanna hang out backstage and light batteries on fire with Ludacris
“I called Kobe when I was still playing in Orlando and asked him what I should do. He’s the one who told me to do take 1,000 a day.”
Oy Vey.
Dog in a Bathtub.
It is a little too late for the Hawks to start getting defensive about Game 2.
Per law, the dogs are required to use the bathroom that corresponds to their breed identity at birth. Which, for most breeds, is anywhere they damn well please.
Lindor should be used to balls being consumed.
These guys figured out this one weird trick. Neurologists hate them!
I hope this works. If the NFL can reduce kickoff returns by 5-10% then football will be a safe sport.
Ha! That sniper rifle sounds exactly like a Starter’s Pistol!
disclaimer: I didn’t read the article
Scratchy: Ooh, [Drew Magary] is one outrageous dude.
Man, she’s going to be really disappointed when she finds out how little time he spends in the pocket.
Further proof that Red Sox baseball is all about controversy and money. Used to be Schillings, now it’s Kopechs.