
I'd have to agree with you for the most part. Right now I'm playing in the DOTA 2 beta and the in game community is great. There's almost no one who rages and flames other players for being new to the game or sucking, but I'm almost afraid once it get's release or goes open beta that the community will just tank and

Same thing happened to me. Called MS, got a super nice customer support lady who put in a ticket for me. I was locked out of Xbox live for about a month, but after that they got my original balance of points back plus 20$ of extra points for free and refunded 10 bucks that the hacker used to buy extra points. Then to

This is why I love Kotaku. You can throw a funny joke/insult at one of the editor's expense, and instead of banning you, they promote it and we all laugh off into the sunset as it becomes the featured thread.

This is why I love Kotaku. You can throw a funny joke/insult at one of the editor's expense, and instead of banning you, they promote it and we all laugh off into the sunset as it becomes the featured thread.

I am alive because I am legend.

Remember Furby? And how we all loved it for 5 minutes, then got annoyed by it, then hated it, then through them under buses?

Fear: Combat did bullet time in multiplayer pretty well. Someone would activate it and everyone would go into slowmo. It was cool and in no way unbalanced.

I usually just refresh the page really fast, the ad doesn't come back after that... but either way I loled.

I'll just be waiting for the torrent. Or the release on Netflix. Which ever comes first.

That's wierd, cause my girlfriend plays Skyrim. She's also marathon-ed the first season of Game of Thrones and is now on book two of the actual series. Am I in the 1% or something?

I have been to several Apple stores and even own a few Apple products. Maybe I have missed the point and need to be educated, in which case, are you inclined to educate me? Or just throw around insults?

I'm not sure you'd be very happy when your cell phone bill shot up significantly.

I'm not sure you'd be very happy when your cell phone bill shot up significantly.

I'm confused as to what Apple is going to fill 23,000 square feet with. They have like 4 different product with 3-5 versions of each. What are they going to do, put a 100 foot table lined with the exact same iPhone all the way down and back up the other side? Why don't they just put up a billboard or something....

If you jumped through the developer hoop and made a fake "app" to get the timeline layout, you should be able to remove the timeline layout by deleting that app. It worked for me. I had the layout for all of 30 minutes before I thought it was garbage and deleted it.

I loved Re-Volt, it was amazing. If I had a PS3 or a Vita I would get this in an instant. Maybe I can still hope for a PC version or something.

Obligatory aliens guy...

There's a person being banned every other comment in this article, what's the deal? If Gizmodo wants to post ridiculous articles that have nothing to do with technology and instead with their opinions on celebrities and gossip, then why aren't we allowed to post our own thoughts on the author and how stupid the whole

Let's not bring up L4D 2. I'm still bitter about the sequel coming out months after the release of the original (which I bought for full price upon release), and then Valve giving the first one free to all who bought the second.

I guess they're hoping for a miracle.