
Loved this, what a great video. I’m lucky that I don’t seem to have fallen for all the hype, and have been loving No Man’s Sky, but I’m very aware that is very much about escapism.

Did you think it was funny?

Great piece Patrick. This stuff needs to be reported on and I’m glad Kotaku is brave enough to keep publishing articles about it. Gamergate says a lot about why you might end up with Trump as President: it’s the same self entitlement writ large.

I loved the ending and don’t remember feeling remotely short changed. My imagination filled in the gaps and I really hope the re-make doesn’t try too hard to change that. It’ll be like Prometheus trying to answer the questions no one ever asked after watching Alien. Awful.

Metal Gear’s approach is helping me prioritise, I really like that I can turn on, play through one set of ‘credits’ and maybe do a side op. The map isn’t cluttered with stuff to do either, which helps to make it feel less intimidating. I’ve loved The Witcher so much, but after 100+ hours I’ve still not finished it,

My personal favourite: I buying my Vita and the guy in Game (UK) told me how he’d been out the back playing Skyrim on his via remote play. I told him he couldn’t have done that but he insisted. I asked for a demo and he claimed their Wifi was down. I bought one anyway but have never shopped in Game again, lying little

I’m just relieved this isn’t a video of me going 4-0 up in a Rocket League dual and still managing to lose. Again.

And this pretty much sums up why this game is looking down at all the rest right now, nodding sagely with a knowing grin on its face. Brilliant.

I'm 125 hours in and have one main quest left. I just found my last bottle and felt sad because I have nothing but that one quest left to do now. I haven't loved a game this much in such a long time, but I think the reason was being able to just sit and play for a couple of days straight and get completely lost in

I'm around 65 hours in and I'm just adoring this game. I didn't try and clear the Hinterlands before moving on, I just did it when I felt like a change of scenery, but I'm glad I spent a good 25 hours in the game world before I hit 'that point' and my experience was better for it. Every little quest seems to add to

I can't remember when I was this excited about a game. I'm so gonna just tweet a picture of the box and the word 'goodbye' when I get it.

This is just lovely.

The last time I touched the single player was COD4, which actually had an ok story. Since the mowing down of the innocents I've not gone near. But the multiplayer has always been fun to a degree. This multiplayer is just more fun. It's kind of amazing how just adding a new jump has changed it, but it has.

I'm so going to end up with a WiiU next year aren't I?

I have it on the One, but I'm not upset about this. It was pretty clear the PS4 was going to get the exclusives early from the start. This will happen in reverse with another title at some point, thems the breaks I guess...

I have a horrible feeling this won't end until somebody actually gets physically harmed. Which is just awful.

Pretty sure he's Welsh and still having problems with his Kinect.

It's the one time coming from the Isle of Wight (Google it folks) works in my favour.

There's nothing better than a game with a great sense of humour? Agreed.

Sorry, I think the difference between a 'sense of humour' and a sense of humour may have got lost in translation. If a game actually makes me laugh, GTA for example, that is indeed a good thing. If a game tries too hard to be funny and fails it's just that annoying kid at school who won't shut up in the one lesson