
We keep some on hand for quick snacks/mini-meals...plus my girlfriend is Asian and she loves them. I rarely eat them, though sometimes I'll have a Cup-O-Noodles mostly for the nostalgia factor...I remember eating them after being out playing in the snow when I was younger.

How'd you miss this one? It is the easiest to use, and nobody uses their CD player anymore anyway.

That's so sweet

North Korea fought America and won without firing a single shot.

"Sonic Highways is meant to reflect Grohl's own fandom and musical upbringing, but the entire rest of this article is going to willfully ignore that point."

Sonic Highways is meant to reflect Grohl's own fandom and musical upbringing

Kanye West, an artist as complicated, heart-driven, and relevant as Nirvana ever was

Can't we all just agree that Lena Dunham is a fucked up sociopath and move on?

A 7 yr old sticking her fingers in the vagina of a baby is not normal. And I call bullshit on the baby sticking pebbles up her vagina in the first place. I have several kids, I used to be a nanny, I have been around babies a lot- babies stick pebbles in their mouths or maybe their noses - not up their genitals. Lena

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

I just downloaded it. Office 365 Home subscriber. I used "Check for Updates" first but that didn't work as it's a separate app entirely so I had to go online and download. The instructions say to delete the old Office 2011 first (I also zipped it up and put it on my external HD just in case).

Um...I'm with Hergens. You can. I did. I'm using it. Office for Mac won't be available, nor will persistent versions, but Outlook for Mac IS available to current 365 customers.

It is not clear from your article, but if you are a current Office 365 subscriber, you can download the new Outlook now— no wait.