Dianoga's One Good Eye

Back him? They made him.

Ignore the sarcasm in some of these responses.

Yeah, I don't want to hear any more about his god damn approval rating until it's below 20%. Because 1 in 5 is still abominable, but . . . Jesus Christ, I guess I can't expect too much of people.

He doesn't just lie, he lies in the way that children lie, before they fully comprehend that other people actually remember shit.

Right. In the absence of complete information, what else could he do but assert that there was violence on many sides?

Yeah, when I was looking up his campaign comments on David Duke's endorsement the other day, I found this bit pretty telling:

I mean, this guy is a real jerk.

He's constitutionally incapable of it. He made a shitty, equivocal-to-the-point-of-being-morally-outrageous initial statement, he grudgingly followed the advice of people with more conventional political sensibilities to follow it up with something slightly less appalling, and it's completely in keeping with his

And this is why I have no sympathy for people who complain that a pop culture site shouldn't be dealing with all this political stuff.

I don't care what you see. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah, the second after I posted that I noticed his username employs "gay" as a slur, and . . . I don't even want to look at his posting history, right?

What the fuck are you talking about?

We should be allowed to upvote things until our fingers cramp or our mice break, because yes, fuck them. Every last one.

Recover from what? Being the fucking country that elected this vomitous piece of shit in the first place?

No, I'm related to some of them too, and sometimes I feel like my failure to disown them is a moral failing. . . .

Calls to roll back First Amendment rights are a scary side effect of these types of tragedies.

I had a deck of those TV Magic Cards when I was a kid!

What about the other 39%?

I don't think there is one. Trump is the symptom, but he manifestly isn't the disease.