Dianoga's One Good Eye

Very unfair.

Oh look, it's this guy.

Boy. That de-escalated quickly.

Do you think a work of art can be interpreted only in reference to the historical moment of its creation?

You take that back, sir.

Only a bunch of libtard snowflakes would treat a work of art as a lens for examining the times we live in, or vice versa.

I would rather listen to "Tubthumping" on repeat for the rest of my natural life than listen to one Twenty One Pilots song from start to finish.


I'll admit that you seem a little nuts. Are you sure you're not just projecting?

Okay, whatever, he was trolling. But where is all this "freaking out" you keep harping on?

Such a fucking idiot.

Assuming you're getting any at all.

I might be happier if I had all three of those things, too — but looking at most of the people I know, I sort of doubt it.

God damn it, this exactly.


Twitter is fucking stupid.

It's a fair point. I do think it's possible to want something and to feel contempt for it at the same time, but I'm not really invested one way or the other.

That's actually the criticism though, isn't it? "Same shit, different record." My thing is, I like that shit, so whatever.

Funny, but I think of him as the guy from Nirvana who actually became a conventional "rock star," though I'm glad he seems to lean pretty heavily into the fun aspects of that identity, as opposed to the aggressively self-destructive ones.

With you.