Dianoga's One Good Eye

Yeah, here's the truth: I'm not entirely sedentary. I walk a lot, I take the stairs, and my work has me on my feet most of the time. But strenuous exercise just makes me feel like shit. I don't enjoy being sweaty and out of breath, I don't enjoy the soreness and fatigue, and I don't enjoy all the time and bother

It's the Islamic women's synchronized sitting team.

he is completely incapable of getting things done

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

You mean the best garbage he's ever read since?

Nah, I get it. Something about this just hit me askew the first time, but to Hughes' credit, he does make it about Trump's fucked-up priorities, hypocrisy and vanity — all of which should be exposed to constant scrutiny and relentless mockery.

Yeah that's bullshit. Exercise fucking sucks. People start talking to me about endorphins and shit, and I think, "Yeah, you know why your body produces endorphins when you exercise? To counteract all the negative effects of exercise." Exercise is exhausting, uncomfortable at best and often painful.

Fair enough.

He's both wrong and right.

This is not important.

Sweet. I had no idea this was coming, but it's just what the doctor ordered.

In this (as in all matters), it is entirely possible that I have no freaking idea what I'm talking about.

Nah, this is fishy.

They'd trade it all for a little more.

First, does the GOP actually give a shit about functional government?

I've had a little trouble getting into this show, but this episode was all fucking cylinders. I'm fighting the urge to make a list of all the great moments, but come on. . . . You all saw that shit for yourselves, right?

I'm essentially repeating myself (from threads elsewhere), but as long as that mentally ill piece of crap seems out to get all of the people you've been persuaded are responsible for what ails you, it's all good.

Right, and that's what makes them unreachable. They're so conditioned to be suspicious and resentful of people who understand things well enough to explain how badly they're shitting in their own kit, it's like . . . fuck.

Are you confusing "adorable" with "repugnant"?

Don't have kids.