Dianoga's One Good Eye

The problem isn't all that shit I said.

Upvoted for identifying the right targets, but I'm not sure it's about ensuring that other groups are worse off.

I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again here:

Some people are dumb, and some people have vested interests.

This is what boggles my mind - the notion that what's yours isn't yours.

Deadwood may well be my favorite thing ever, but I do not want this.

It's not for us, it's for Trump supporters, and they fucking love it.

What most voters care about most, I suspect, is who hates the same people they do.

You forgot the most obvious possibility.

Children are innocent and wise. We should all be more like them.

Do go on.

Nearly half of the adults who voted in the general election "actually [fell] for Donald Trump's bullshit."

Is "may or may have" a Freudian slip or a sly joke?

If by "get sick of looking at" you mean "write a lot of erotic fan fiction about," then I bet you're right.

Yeah, I'm too old to know stuff like that. You never think it's going to happen to you, but I'm slowly coming to terms with the realization that soon literally everything is going to frighten and confuse me.

Years back, I carved one based on Munch's The Scream. It wasn't amazing, but I was pretty happy with it.

With a URL like that, what could go wrong?

Yeah, that's a perfect release date. Season 1 was a highlight of last summer for me, and looking for this summer's equivalent has left me kind of disappointed, but I don't know. . . . Having this to look forward to may be even better than having it right now.

Yeah, and that game didn't just cost a quarter — I want to say it was 75 cents or maybe even a dollar. But however much it was, I remember "playing" it twice and deciding — in spite of being just a dumb kid — that was at least one more time than I should have.

If anyone got "triggered," it seems like it was you.