Dianoga's One Good Eye

Very unfair.

I have a medical condition!

Actually, I don't think you can.

Okay, cool.

I've always kind of liked Clooney, but now I don't anymore.

The music that plays at that moment was great too.

Thank you.

Did Not Disappoint

Don't have kids.

This fucking country.

The still embedded in the review looks supremely goofy and fake, and man I can't wait to see this movie. I really loved both Flying Daggers and Hero on a purely visual level (I recently watched Hero on Netflix, but the only subtitles available were the CC, and that annoyed me, so I just watched it without subtitles

I was trying to be nice, but every time I see one of these stupid recaps all I ever think is, "Nobody wins a monkey shit fight."

Twitter is stupid.

Horror movies were never my thing, but I remember spending a lot of time as a kid, driven by morbid curiosity, flipping through Fangoria at the bookstore in the mall. (Not B. Dalton — What was the other one, back in the day?)

My bad?

I'll admit, my initial take on headlines like this is generally, "This seems kind of silly and more than a little dubious," but you kids . . . you kids are fucking adorable.

The fact that we elected Donald Trump seems to confirm that we are a country full of sub-literate morons . . . as do most of these (Jesus Christ) tweets.

Nothing about this reply surprises me.

The only thing I really took away from this comment is that I'm not sure if you understand how metaphors work.