
The other thing you need (besides the plan) is the friend.  The friend who knows you, knows your animals and is a good enough friend to shake some sense into you when it’s time and you don’t want to admit it.  

Agreed, for the most part, although I’m the type to treat all my pets like family. They all have the “end of the line” plan, the points that tell me it’s time whether I want to believe it or not. My old girl is turning 21 this year and (knock on wood) is still going strong.

But yeah, depending on the breed, you can be

Men’s room.  I mean, you always see ladies with their little boys in the women’s room and no one thinks twice about it.

I had the opposite problem. I was put in the gifted classes in elementary school and when I got to high school, I wanted to take VoAg & Shop as electives. My guidance councilor would re-arrange my schedule Every Fucking Year under the theory that academically strong girls should not be taking shop with a bunch of

So damn jealous of your ovens.  I once had an apartment with two and it was HEAVEN!

Yes but keep in mind, the fleshy tail part stops well before the horse’s hocks (back knees).  Most of what we think of as the horse’s tail is just hair.

Actually it’s more like taking the dew claws off of working dogs. Most the time, it’s unnecessary but if you end up NOT doing it and it goes sideways, the recovery is a nightmare. Like I said up above, I’ve seen a horse get it’s tail tangled in the traces while being hitched, panic, bolt and deglove the entire thing.

I understand that it’s not considered humane anymore but I’ve seen a horse basically deglove it’s tail when it got tangled in the traces during a hitching and the horse panicked. It was horrible and the tail had to be amputated at the base and it took months to heal.  So for a horse that’s going to spend it’s life in

Lifelong horse girl here (seriously, got my first pony before I could walk) and yes, it’s basically a horse scrunchy. With carriage horses, you really don’t want their tails hanging loose as you risk having them get caught in the lines the connect the horse to the carriage & the horse to the human driver. Besides

Why would anyone have Allen’s Coffee Brandy when their Ginger Brandy is Right There?!?!?  Seriously, that stuff is magic and I can’t find it nearly often enough.

Also, literally nothing in the article says that these men broke any rules, fouled with malicious intent, deliberately tried to hurt anyone, etc. Any assumption of ill intent is conjecture that simply can’t be proven with the information available.

Being a pro may not give him additional credibility but his point still stands.

It’s recreational play. In a co-ed league. Which means a non-trivial portion of the teams are physically smaller than the average guys on the field/court.

Going balls out, 110% to the extent that you are hurting others is way out of line

If you are causing injuries by deliberately choosing to play against the rules (no league I’ve played in allows for aggressive tackling), then you’re in the wrong league AND you’re an asshat.

Male or female, I sign up for a league that says “no tackling” and 3 men in as many games takes me out, well, it’s pretty

We don’t hate women, not all of us, we just hate the awkward double standard. Beat a woman at a sport and its expected, lose to one and you are ridiculed. Lether pass you and you get called out for being to easy on them, give a hard tackle and you are bullying. It is a no-win situation for men.

Yep, my husband & I both played volleyball competitively and the worse injury he ever had was from a charity tournament where a frat team showed up, possibly drunk but certainly boisterous and unskilled.

Mr. TheHuntress moved all his plays (he was the team captain for that team) back from the net by 3 feet and STILL

I think you’re way off on this one ... the problem described above, where men are playing way rougher than the league level of play requires or starting fights ... you don’t see that among the retired “has been” set, at least not in my experience.

Yes, we’re all out there because we like the game and we are

This! A thousand times, this! At my thinnest, I was 5'4" and less than 90 pounds and I was still a size 10 thanks to my big ‘ole Pennsylvania Dutch child bearing hips. You could see every fricken bone in my body but I was never going to be smaller than a 10. And there was nothing strong or healthy about my body back

Long time co-ed volleyball player here and I have to say, the leagues you describe suck. There are good leagues out there where women aren’t an after thought, at least on the volleyball court.

Our local v-ball specific clubs do both co-ed (4/2 ratio, men’s height net) and co-ed reverse (even ratio, half on men’s

Sorry to hear your co-ed volleyball experience has been bad. I’ve been playing over 30 years now (ouch!) and mine’s been exactly the opposite. Once I was out of organized high school & college play, my women’s leagues were less than fun (prone to drama and imploding right before a big tournament, like say, fricking

Yep, growing up we just ... didn’t talk about it (it being homosexuality). To be fair, we really didn’t talk about straight sex either except the “wait for marriage” thing. In retrospect, it was all kind’a victorian in that regard.

Yes, my cousin was gay and left the church but no one harassed him about it in the