Diane Templeton

It's no different than any other superhero movie. It's an ego trip by Nichols. He has come to believe he's special. And M.Shannon is supernatural too, he's telling us. It was ego ego ego ego. Unbreakable was Shama Lama Ding Dong's ego comic book movie, but at least that was amazing filmmaking and a great movie.

It's not crazy, if you look closely. It's the Sundance plastic imitation of crazy. It's what Sundance has done to crazy. Instead of A Woman Under The Influence we get manufactured eccentricity. Music video crazy. The kind of Sundance machinery that actually is not embracing crazy at all.

His best movie was the one about Kesey and the Magic bus. But this review is spot on. I don't believe he's making these movies even. Much like Scorsese and his documentaries. He simply tags his name on editor's work.

Spielberg has not made great movies for a long long time. Why are people so slow to realize this?

Ellen Burstyn deserves an Oscar nomination for Weiner Dog.