
. But telling a group to leave because you want to seat a table is just as uncool, especially if they’re buying drinks. Bear in mind, the restaurant is making a bunch more cash on a round of drinks than on the entrées anyway.

It really dawned on me that, at least in the circles I run in, people are talking about things in terms of the whole. We the environment better for everyone. We want everyone to make a livable wage. But, when I say that Trump is failing, inevitably some Republican will say, “yeah, but the economy is great.” And its

No one wants to be farted on

I do love the fact you accuse me of sounding stupid in your first sentence, then proceed to sound like an absolute moron. Bravo.

Fresh parsley is very good, yes. But she is advocating dried which is tasteless and adds nothing but color.  If you are going to use a dried herb, there are much better choices.

Meghan McCain is the embodiment of “I want to speak to your manager”. 

Please give me an example of a Republican who didn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office by his own party for inexcusable behavior. Bonus points if you can find one who didn’t later say, “Fuck all y’all!”

Yes, the double standard. When Republicans act racist, Democrats call for their resignation. When Republicans are accused of sexual assault/harassment, Democrats call for their resignation. And when Democrats commit those same offenses, Democrats . . . call for their resignation.

I don’t use amazon.

“Store owner Reggie McDaniel explains to KALB that the message was rooted in his strong faith

Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy.

To claim that it’s somehow so very brave to proclaim your Christian faith in the United States is just utterly laughable.

Kind of funny, since your ilk still do. ^_^

I’ve been in the US military for over 25 years and any time I hear a crowd starting the “USA” chant I hit the mute button, it’s so meaningless and embarrassing and such a representation of our utter failures that it embarrasses me.

Dumb ass - Bernie was not a Democrat.  He jumped in the primary, but was not a party member. 

The genius, of course, missed the part about the direction of the economy under Obama.  W wrecked it, turned over the jalopy to Obama, who restored it, and the Trump gets it and crows about the underbody rust protection he added.

OK, yes. Many people have pointed out that compound interest is a thing. The central point, though, is that most people don’t have the FIRST extra $100K to save. We had folks with “good government jobs” at food banks after a month’s missed work. The marginal tax rate proposals kicking around aren’t going to affect

Reminds me of an article that quoted a woman in Florida shortly after the shut down began. She said “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” Let that sink in for a minute. A woman voted this man into office thinking his main responsibility was to hurt a segment of the population she didn’t like. This

I saw a tweet that pointed out that if you were able to save $100K a year, it would take you 100 years to save $10M. $100K a year is what, twice the median household income in the US? I mean, we saw what going without two paychecks did to people. Most folks aren’t ever going to see $10M.

You can mostly blame the Catholic Church for everything.  And anything that wasn’t their fault was probably the fault of the Jews. /s