
This is 100% ridiculous. You have no idea whether or not there affordable African-American employment lawyers who were willing and able to take his case in his area. Please stop. 

I mean, you can’t have it both ways. Maybe it’s the democrats low-knowledge bass that just wants to only give credit to Obama?

It must be nice to be a guy and not have to worry about that. Recently I was at a bar and grill just trying to eat a burger and drink a beer when a guy would not leave me alone. I wasn’t subtle. I reached the point that I told him that he was making me uncomfortable and needed to leave me alone. I took a picture of

You chose the date, accept the responsibility that goes with it.”

Hi, I’m earth have we met?

Guys can go from mildly creepy to violent pretty quickly. Fear of this kind of reaction when trying to leave a bad date isn’t unfounded. Yes, all women need to learn how to deal with f*cked up men, it’s a fact of life, but there’s a learning curve and it’s a dangerous f*cking game. I suggest you not be such a

Stephanie Sebby-Strempel sounds like a name you would say if you had too much to drink and are trying to tell a story while glossing over the pronunciation “There was this crabby crappy crab person woman at the swim, at the pool, named, uh, Stephan Steph Setrem Sebby Strem Stephanie Stembby Stremtol or whatev...”

I’m very tolerant until the discussion turns to how to exterminate me or anyone else.

I also judge people who wear really attention-grabbing outfits to other people’s weddings. You have literally any other day to look like million bucks, but this is the day where the happy couple should be the center of attention. If that makes me an asshole, I’m cool with it.

I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.

An older woman that I had worked with overheard me and a co-worker making light of tRUMP lusting after Ivanka before his election. With no prompting at all she rudely interjected that Lot slept with his daughters when he was drunk and if the mange orangutan did have sex with his daughter than God must have said it was

“Hmmm. Misusing ICE is the only way I can get a boner.”

You know his strikeout call:

I’d heard about the murals in detention centers, but hadn’t seen a pic yet. Jesus-fucking-Christ. (would hate these people: “for whatsoever thou dost to the least of you, thou dost to me” or something like that.) Literally gave me nauseous chills to look at - how must it feel to be stranded there, helpless and in

Then why do you feel the need to be included in every black space? So you can come in and ridicule everything in our culture only to co-opt it and claim it as your own when you don’t think anyone is paying attention?

Betsy DeVos belongs in a sealed barrel, encased by concrete, and dropped in the Marianas Trench.

There is a big problem that in many places, ethnic minorities / women are encouraged to be athletes, community workers, retail staff etc, while white men of exactly the same intelligence and skills are encouraged to go into law, finance, tech or business.

I would have preferred Colbert on the Colbert report. That would have been amazing. But on CBS Colbert has to tone it down with guests.

Yao: Welcome to the Shanghai Sharks.