“Undead, undead, undead....”
“Undead, undead, undead....”
This list sucks.
You know, they used to use real meat in mincemeat pies. And many years ago I saw a recipe for brownies made with ground beef.
Hey. Definitely NOT a Trumpist, but asparagus makes my pee stink to high heaven.
I noticed that I inhale with both, but exhale with one or the other. My problem is further back, though...I always feel stuffed up, and suspect I may have polyps. It’s just one more thing that popped up as soon as my health coverage changed...it’s like they know, somehow.
I’ve always wondered at newborns who laugh. My sister adopted a newborn, and I noticed that he would be asleep, then suddenly laugh. Or he’d be awake (or as awake a newborn can be) and suddenly giggle. And these weren’t “gas” giggles or whatever they say is what’s really making a baby smile...he was laughing at…
What’s with the blacked-out eyes? As if the creep factor wasn’t already at 9...
Thoughts and prayers, man. Thoughts and prayers.
Who’s dead? Abulaban? He’s very much alive. There’s a hearing set for Jan 5th.
I gave you and Classic Rando each one star, but, dude...you deserve two. You made me bust out laughing.
I found it intriguing enough of a subject to read it. There was no way I’d approve of such a horrid thing, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in hearing the story. Plus hearing other people’s stories in the comments can often be a lot of fun.
Holy fuckballs. Why don’t they just stop pretending and give him that slap on the wrist they think is all he deserves? He’s a good boy who obviously doesn’t deserve to have his life ruined because of a couple of mistakes.
I read an expose once on the water in water parks. It was so horrifying that I haven’t stepped foot in one in over 30 years. And I never, ever use a public pool, either. It is disgusting what is in that water.
Or he’s just getting’ his steps in. Good way to work off the extra calories and stay in shape.
Jesus, the UK is starting to look like pre-Glasnost Russia.
Then don’t come here. You find something else to do.
Okay, I actually gagged a little at that one. I hate Peeps.
1. No.