
I like this a lot. I always stumble trying to get out all the letters, and an acronym I can pronounce is a big help!

I also like Criminal Intent and the original series. I just can’t get into Organized Crime...I’ve never been a fan of gangsters, wise guys and the whole Godfather thing. I do like the Elliot Stabler character quite a bit, though.

Oh, call me an old fogey, but I love me some Law & Order: SVU. Mr.BK actually gets mad when he catches me watching it. I think he thinks it’s like the stereotype about old people never missing Matlock - it means I’m an old lady.

Oh, please god, not Beavis & Butthead. I hate that show with a passion. And I watched a couple of  Ren & Stimpy episodes recently, and it did not age well. I was actually repulsed a couple of times, and kept asking myself how I could have liked it so much the first time around.

The American Dad “Apocalypse” episode was brilliant. And their Christmas episodes are always fantastic. The fact that they do capsule episodes that play around with genres or where everybody dies is pretty daring, too - somebody ends up in Heaven, then the next episode continues as if nothing happened. The entire


I once worked for a guy whose right arm was always popping out of his shoulder socket. He’d play basketball and it would dislocate. He’d roll over too hard in bed and it would dislocate. You could glare at him and it would dislocate.

Bite. Your. Tongue.

I worked the midway for a carnival franchise one summer, and always advise my friends and family to avoid the games. Even games of “skill” are games of chance, since they do everything possible to make them unwinnable. Some are unwinnable.

I once read an expose on the safety of the water in public pools and water parks. By the time I finished it, my skin was crawling and I thought I was going to throw up. I’ve never set foot in a water park again, and refuse to use public pools.

Apparently not.

JK Simmons nailed the delivery when he said, “We ate him.” Absolutely hilarious.

They just can’t seem to make up their minds, can they?

This is a bullshit argument. If you know it’s short when you buy it, you’re saying you’re okay with it being short. If you decide you’ll never play it again, that’s not on the developer. That’s on you. You shouldn’t have the right to return it.

To add to the stupidity, a lot of those injuries are gonna end up needing an ER, and those are all full of Covid patients. Anyone not actively in the act of dying is going to be sent home to deal with it.

I saw the pictures, too. They were horrifying. The agony she must have gone through when her burns had to be debrided is unimaginable.

Nobody ever said that every person who ever lived is a ghost. Ghosts seem to very rare, but they are present in just about every culture, so a lot of people believe in them.

Yeah, that’s right - you only need one, because, hey - representation, right? Forget about all those male characters. You only need one girl. Sheesh.

MyNoise saved my sanity a few years ago when my tinnitus suddenly flared up. I thought I would go insane from the high-pitched tone, and searched frantically for something that would help me. I even underwent hypnotherapy, but it didn’t really work. Rain and water sounds worked the best at blocking it, but finding the

It’s not just owning the machine. There’s the materials, keeping it supplied, having it cleaned and maintained, and repairs when it inevitably breaks down.