
Oh my god, is that a thing? 

Walmart. For anything.

When I was regularly going to the gym to swim laps, I had problems with my cap always sliding back and off because it was too small for my curls. I finally found a brand that made caps in XL sizes - they’re deeper and my hair fit much better underneath it. If I soaked my hair beforehand, it all fit inside smoothly.

Oh my god. I would pay good money to see Bobcat Goldthwait host. He would be hilarious.

That’s great and all, but doesn’t exactly work if you’re not home. That’s what the foil was for. In theory.

Supposedly, you can use foil to keep cats off of counters and shelves by covering the edges, because they hate foil.


It seems like the prairie look comes back every other decade, like a familial curse that skips generations. I blame Laura Ingalls Wilder.*

Yes, please.

The first time I went to a Hard Rock Cafe we never made it. One of my c-workers was a die-hard Kiss fan, and on the day Kiss was making an appearance at the Cafe, we played hooky from work and drove over.

That...is a fantastic name for a Great Dane.

I would not put it past some cats.

That is a fucking handsome dog, even with wet fur. Look at that noble expression! He’s thinking Deep Thoughts.

Queen, she does drone on. Almost as if she’s jelly.

Graham Norton can interview anybody and make it work.

I think what’s being missed is that she said part of what makes it so difficult is that an athlete is expected to walk off the court and straight into the press conference with little time to recover, emotionally as well as physically. There’s no time to mourn a loss or overcome crippling self-blame. Anyone who’s had

Totally concentrating on the wrong thing, but...yes, they so cute!

They weren’t even proper zombies. They were more like the “infected” from the I Am Legend remake with Will Smith.

With a crying baby.