diane {a spot of whimsy}

I also just realized I'm signed into the wrong account even though it claims it will post under my AV Club account until I hit "post." dang it all, I hate NuDisqus.

the hockey final, that is.

People are complaining in this very post that the refs in the U.S.-Canada women's final may have contributed to the U.S.'s loss. So please don't claim that people don't whine and moan about subjective things (ref calls) in "real sports." I also fail to see the correlation between people complaining about who should

I actually watched quite a bit of bobsled and skeleton in prime time coverage. There's 3.5 hours a night - you can't just tune in for a few moments here and there and expect to see everything.

Him killing Madison was all kinds of awkward what with their off-screen issues.

Good lord did that piss me off.

NBC doesn't think it sucked (nor its ratings), that's for sure.

I'll bet he thought that was actually clever

When the episode ended I thought to myself - they're finally at the right spot to start the season. Too bad it's over.

Yea I actually rewound and put CC on so I could figure it out. I thought she was saying something about Fiona, but instead her parting thought was about her favorite designer. Fair enough.

Agreed on all fronts!

That's my most memorable moment too! I was so floored by that reveal, I couldn't stop thinking about it for like a week. Loved that Elena and Jeremy made mention of it this episode.

I burst into tears when Alaric appeared. Can't they just bring him back for good now that his other CW show was canceled?!

MJF even made a "summer Olympics are better than the winter Olympics" joke, ala 30 Rock.


I LOVE that Sue and Brad work next to each other at the mall food court.


Agree that Lisa Kudrow nailed that debate scene. Nice to see that side of her.

Agreed - when they were trying to figure out Olivia's secrets last year it was so much fun. Harrison is such a sadly underdeveloped character. Boot Quinn entirely and give him a backstory, I say! And I love Abby and David together so more of that too pls!

I've pretty much hated Quinn since her first scene. I can't believe they haven't written her out yet, she is insufferable.