There is no way in hell that anyone could possibly believe that Blizzard purposely turned black characters into white ones.
There is no way in hell that anyone could possibly believe that Blizzard purposely turned black characters into white ones.
You said women are bad at teh jokes. This is one of those things that are cool to just point and laugh at rather than criticize in detail.
I'm implying that there's always a dude who shows up and is all "here's a ridiculous, awful position, but it's supported by science/my personal shitty taste in comedy!" And in this case that dude is you. That's what I was implying.
This is your OK Cupid blurb, right? Because it totally should be.
oh good it's That Guy. Hey there, That Guy.
Alternative question: why shouldn't they be female characters?
I'm perfectly fine with an all-woman team. The original team were all men, so why not have a team that's all women? It doesn't have to be a plot point, either. It just happens to work out that way, nobody bats an eye, and the story goes forward.
"why does it have to be all-female cast?"
Why not?
No, we picture you MRA guys bitching up a storm about it, like you're doing here.
Though all the chatter lately has been about the status of Ghostbusters 3, Variety is reporting that Paul Feig, who…
People aren't mad because Assassin's Creed doesn't have women, they're mad because Ubisoft lied about how difficult it would be to add women. I think the Far Cry 4 team was more honest, and I can't see them receiving the same blow back. I'd bet a couple bucks that Far Cry 5 has women, as conciliatory as that sounds.
Spot on.
Heart goes out to women who have to put up with this hypocritical bullshit in real life.