Diane Animator

There is no way in hell that anyone could possibly believe that Blizzard purposely turned black characters into white ones.

I like to look at the overwhelming positive responses that the newly designed costumes for Batgirl and Spider-Women (Spider-Gwen)have received as a sign that a lot of comic book readers are actually craving for these companies/writers/artists to stop over-sexualizing female comic book characters. It's also a sign that

Something that the people making these kinds of arguments can't fathom:


No, sorry. Consumers do not have to have the talent and financial resources to "make their own" in order to criticize the things they love. Movie critics do not have to make blockbuster movies to be able to tell you that the dialog was awful. Very few people have all the skills necessary and the thousands if not

Comics, like video games, are kind of the "final frontier" for this sort of thing. There's been progress in virtually every other medium; of course there's going to be growing pains and faux outrage when the scrutiny hits these last holdouts. At this point, having been a comics & video game fan for most of my 44

"47% of Comics Readers Are Female, So They Clearly Don't Have Any Real Problems With This Stuff"

I love the Hawkeye Project.

You said women are bad at teh jokes. This is one of those things that are cool to just point and laugh at rather than criticize in detail.

I'm implying that there's always a dude who shows up and is all "here's a ridiculous, awful position, but it's supported by science/my personal shitty taste in comedy!" And in this case that dude is you. That's what I was implying.

This is your OK Cupid blurb, right? Because it totally should be.

oh good it's That Guy. Hey there, That Guy.

Alternative question: why shouldn't they be female characters?

I'm perfectly fine with an all-woman team. The original team were all men, so why not have a team that's all women? It doesn't have to be a plot point, either. It just happens to work out that way, nobody bats an eye, and the story goes forward.

"why does it have to be all-female cast?"

Why not?

No, we picture you MRA guys bitching up a storm about it, like you're doing here.