

Considering the opponent, this might be the only time this season Elway was actually hoping for a good night from Osweiler.

Let’s also remind ourselves that there are, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 21,995,000 people working for the Government in our country. Yeah, 6.8% of the population, 16.7% of our workforce.

Frankly I’m surprised you only managed to muster 8 of those peoples’ opinions.

Yeah, that’s why there has been rioting and people trying to change the electoral college/get them to vote differently...amirite?

Every blogger should go back and take high school English again and focus on sentence structure.

Yeah, I’m a shelter volunteer and huge shelter advocate but Keith Olbermann is a dick.

Yeah, I’m a huge (HUGE) fan of shelter dogs, but this doesn’t really feel like an appropriate time to talk about that.

Not sure that the snark in this title was well placed.

Poor puppy.

You don’t have a problem claiming that “all rich people are guilty but will get off as innocent anyways”?

Do you not see that as a potential disaster for putting fortunate men & women in jail/debt for crimes they didn’t commit? That’s some PC extremism.

6 female, 2 male

I think it was inbetween. I’m sure Doe was under the influence of alcohol [but not pass-out/black-out/slurring/stumbling drunk] and/or weed and coke (they were partying, after all); I suspect she agreed to group sex, and the next day finally put the pieces together that Rose didn’t give a shit about her and basically

What is the evidence the viewership decline has anything to do with concussions?

(Chris Berman in front of animated cranial X-ray) And then his brain went WHOOP (brain bounces off back of skull) and he was BUMBLING RUMBLING CRUMBLING STUMBLING

If his favorite Village Person is the Native American, why would he dress up as the Construction Worker or the Sailor?

How could you possibly take offense to that? Unless he was drinking, hosting gambling parties in his tent, or trading valuable real estate for beads, I don’t see what the fuss is about. Besides, maybe he didn’t want to “offend” construction workers or sailors this particular weekend.

I can’t let him die in vain

Did you literally skip past the very next sentence where he claimed to have read “passion” from a transcript?

Did you literally skip past the very next clause in the sentence where he says he read the transcript?

Except it is followed by “I read the transcripts.” That is basically the same as seeing it because both the questions and answers are typed up. For example, a script is much like a transcript. I can tell what happens in a film by reading the script, but not seeing it. I can do the same for a presser and the