diana says blahnlahblah

I once called my boss a horse’s ass. I don’t remember why, but today I will readily admit it was not a nice thing to say about horses. Anyway, he tattled to his boss who told me in front of my boss that I had to apologize. So, I said, in front of both of them, “I’m sorry you’re a horse’s ass.”

I was scrolling before posting to see if anyone else got a Morticia vibe! She also strikes me as someone who will age drastically all at once, like a female Brad Pitt.

Now playing

AH I am excited. In case anyone’s forgotten about Mark Ronson’s collab with Amy Winehouse:

Another win for East Africa!

giving rise to handwringing about how they would integrate into German society.

On behalf of the ladies without Valentine’s Day dates: Thanks you, Mr. Game.

Can you pull in anything else to expand your skills through redefining what you do (like, I am primarily a graphic designer/web developer, but I know my way around an Excel spreadsheet so I feature that for more office-type jobs). Or could you look into an online course or a meetup that might complement your existing