
Oh my god. So what? Perfect situation is no longer perfect? How often does a momentarily dimmed bulb affect your life? And if the power is fluctuating so much that it burns your bulbs out then there is a large problem on your hands than which light bulb is best.

What massive turbine distaster? A Tsunami? Tornado? Earthquake? Alien invasion?

Well, it could be given to homeless shelters and other helping places (domestic violence shelters, salvation army places, etc) and then cooked into something so the bruises aren’t noticed.

Yes. I have undergone many hours of difficult Sarcasm Training. It was a lot of work but I persevered through it and am now fully licensed in Sarcasm.

Hence the “/sarcasm”.

Won’t this just encourage people to not work and life off the government forever?! /sarcasm

Preemptive strike. Make people look at other people (“Others”) with the stink eye and they’ll ignore what’s under their noses. Fear is a powerful motivator and nothing scares Fundies like Otherness.

Wait, how is a man in a dress going to prey on a woman? Is that all they think it takes? Some dude saunters up to me in vera wang and hiking boots (because you know they aren’t wearing anything other than “comfortable”) and my pants come off so he can fuck me while I bake him brownies?

I think this quite often when a parent is worried about their child. My mother wasn’t the best but I was really glad that as I got older she didn’t worry about me. She helped me if I needed it but just let me be. I loved the independence and I loved that she was confident in me. It really made me feel good to know

What details?! What puzzle have you solved!!

Getting a mechanic’s training is at least a 2 year degree. I don’t know if my coworker was ASE certified or what that entails but I agree that $14 hr isn’t too bad to start. However I wouldn’t say they don’t have a degree. Not a 4 year one of course, but still there is a lot of education and training that goes into

Maybe it’s time to pour money into our shitty educational system and make high school actually be a thing.

But a mechanic isn’t a great paying job. Sure you get charged out the ass for it at the shop but new mechanics just don’t make that much. A former coworker was making about $9/hr for years being a mechanic at a general shop in the area. That’s not a wage to live on at all.

Do...women like this actually exist or are they a thing created by TV to get views?

But if you want to APPEAR as a “regular” and not an cream cheese abuser, then hollowing out might make sense.

Ok, so, I have The Gluten Allergy and everything but back in the day before I knew about it and would eat bagels, I would load them with cream cheese. I assumed when reading this that hollowing out the bagel would allow for more cream cheese. Bagels are just cream cheese delivery mechanisms anyway, so why not maximize

I grew up hearing Jerry-rigged. I always figured it was some hick guy in blue overalls who couldn’t be bothered to go get a real solution, so duck tape. (or whatever) Maybe you can counter her with that next time and if she asks who Jerry is, tell her he’s a generic southern white redneck with no education but yet

I would just say “the guy driving the shuttle was___” and leave it at that. People have the much dumb sometimes.

Why is it offensive? I know it is but I don’t know why.

I figured starbucks out and now I just use different words at different places. Everyone is happy. A seamless transition.