Domestic Terrorists.
Domestic Terrorists.
He’s Irish. He’s speaking to the Irish Government. The Republic of Ireland doesn’t answer to London and Northern Ireland voted Remain.
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.
Fact check, don’t spout that old canard because you won’t inform yourself.
My favorite moment of his was going to the Islamic Center of Washington DC right after 9/11, and told anyone who wanted to discriminate against Muslims in America as retaliation to diplomatically fuck off. Even as a Democrat, mad respect for reaching across the aisle. Here’s the full transcript for anyone who’s never…
They really need to start administering a courage test before you get your gun and/or badge. If the site of a black man scares you that much, you’re unfit to serve in any public capacity.
Can somebody please tell NC cops that a book in the hands of a Black man is a metaphorical weapon?
I’m shocked that the police would lie about why this man was shot to death.
The police are public servants. Body cam/dash cam footage should be public record. Period.
I felt compelled to remind America of Phil Hartman’s genius Clinton portrayal.
Curtis Sittenfeld’s excellent book, An American Wife, is based on Laura Bush’s life and deals with the dilemma of a First Lady who loves her husband but cannot believe America elected him President.
I am 100% keeping them. Too good to waste, also I’m a firm believer in a little dirt and germs being good for the immune system.
And no one ever tells a man that his clothes flatter his figure, even if they do.
Those were terrible. You go take a look at the man in the mirror!
This. That glorious, rosy view of the past literally never existed. There was no wonderful time of peace and harmony where everyone all got along because they did what God (and his mouth-pieces on earth) told them to. People have always been ‘bad’ in the eyes of the religious right. There have always been beaters and…
In the UK, I think we are always chuffed as nuts to medal even when we have no hope of knocking America off the top spot. The gymnastics coverage tonight on the BBC was like ‘HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT AMY TINKLER GOT BRONZE HOLY SHIT’ and then Hazel Irvine was like ‘Oh, and we should not forget that Simone Biles won gold,…
To begin with, capital cases (those where the death penalty is a potential punishment) are more expensive and take much more time to resolve than non-capital cases. According to a study by the Kansas Judicial Council (downloads as a pdf), defending a death penalty case costs about four times as much as defending a…
This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).
This type of compassion and decency doesn’t even come at the expense of the letter of the law; it elevates the law.
I’m very grateful for the ACA. Before it went into effect, I was turned down by every insurance company I tried due to pre-existing conditions and nearly went bankrupt from medical expenses last year. Now I have an affordable insurance plan with a reasonable deductible ($600) and low copays. Obama wanted to do better,…