Me too. Also, “racially charged” vs. “racist”. He’s a lying, racist, tool. Let’s call it like it is.
Me too. Also, “racially charged” vs. “racist”. He’s a lying, racist, tool. Let’s call it like it is.
I got “The Obamas” today on my card...
How the hell was he ‘targeted’ by WaPo? HE DID THIS TO HIMSELF. He and his friends showed their entire ass to the world and the world deemed it newsworthy. Spoilt wee rat :(
rage stroke averted. thank you xx
I’m sorry you had to devote so much time to schooling me because I couldn’t POSSIBLY know that ‘Oakland booty’ is code for a black woman’s posterior, being close to 50 years old, from a mixed race family and having lived in CA for many years.
Thanks for the think piece, though.
You can drop the attitude, queen, this is just a website. I didn’t “come for you” - I commented on your faux-outrage. It’s all stupid, and you made the choice to be nasty.
Wow. Kiss your mother with that mouth? Byeeeee!
Now that *is* good news.
I respectfully disagree.
LA Face = high dollar, Hollywood face
Oakland Booty= hot, juicy ass.
It really isn’t any more complicated than that.
I’ll show myself out.
It’s been said, I’m sure - but really, queen? It’s a line from a hip-hop song. Of all the things Jez has gotten their collective knickers in a twist about, this has got to be the stupidest. Don’t go looking for trouble when there’s already plenty about. #pur-lease
Am I the only one who thinks Rita’s “J” necklace is actually a lower-case “r”, displayed backwards? I could need more caffeine, but it looks that way to me.
Is it any wonder? :)
Be safe xx
Hi! This is my dog W. Ticket Stubbs and his pal Masoko Tanga. Soko totally thinks he’s a dog so he’s celebrating #NationalDogDay too :)