Diamond Starshine

i would put this story on my resume if it happened to me. it would be my christmas card every year.

Pictured: my sexual awaking. I didn’t understand what puberty was until I saw Prince.

Now playing

You’re a hero for mentioning this performance :)

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

His amateurish ignorant dumbassed bullshit is seen as a PLUS by his mouthbreathing knuckledragging jackwagon fans.

What did you guys think of the Netflix documentary, “What Happened, Miss Simone?”?

The beautiful, and incredibly talented Danai Gurira would have been my choice to play her...

Ah, beat me to it! Terrific episode!

You asked for it Boggs!

Pitt the Elder!!

And I say England’s greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!!!

Dear gods, is this perfect timing. This past summer, my best friend suddenly became hostile and unfriendly; no warning, no explanation, no anything. Then I found out that she had been excluding me from activities we used to do with two other gfs, and then posting their fun on Facebook for me to see. This put the other

Any time Laura Bush pops up in the media, I encourage people to check out American Wife. It gives one an interesting perspective on Laura (and Barbara). It’s fictional, but it’s obviously and unabashedly about the Bushes.

Obviously this isn't getting through but I'll say it. If a woman rejects you, you don't get to stab her, throw acid in her face, stalk her, terrorize her, or rape her. No is a hard word to understand, apparently.

But Macklemore is doing what every white person should be doing. Continue to do whatever it is you do, be vocal about your privilege and promote those without privilege. Macklemore regularly features women, people of color and gay artists. He highlights the work they do. What else is he supposed to do?

Heartbreaking and worth watching.

Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.

He’s not going to care when the inevitable MRA sock army sends her endless rape and death threats. He’ll pretend he had absolutely nothing to do with it, that it was her own fault, that she shouldn’t have done the same to him.

I already do that :)

as they pulled you out of the oxygen tent, you asked for the latest party