
yeah if you’re a sexist, racist, dbag, a-hole don’t be yourself until you stop being those things. 

I went on a date with a beautiful girl. She was rude to the wait staff. She was rude asking to switch tables. I’m fine asking to switch tables. Don’t be rude. But she was so rude to the staff on the way out i walked back inside pretending to get a mint and apologized to the waitress and hostess for my date’s rudeness.

Go on. Not saying you’re wrong but curious. Which part do you think is literal garbage and why?

No, there aren’t consequences, because you’re not understanding how suing someone works.

You understand that these actors targeted independant content creators that are just regular people like My Name is Byf and Aztecross, committed fraud, and lied to get these people copyright strikes. Nothing those creators did deserved a strike. They got their pages damaged. The fact that Bungie was attacked too still

Sony has not yet purchased Bungie. They will. But they are not Sony yet. And the only thing this case is likely to result in is and admittedly good thing, better verification that the person claiming copyright is in fact the true holder of the copyright. It is NOT going to make it so people on youtube can no use

there are consequences you just have to sue and that costs money so the average person does not.

Bungie has not changed their content usage policies one bit. They have in fact restated their policies. But this lawsuit and is not about their content usage policies. It’s about a bad actor, Jon Does, fraudulently issuing takedown notices pretending to be Bungie, which in turn damage’s Bungie’s reputation and also

i’m with you. especially as a non-trials playing pvp main, it’s like constantly paying to get no content, no maps, no weapon focusing for a the part of the game you like most. I just got tired of paying over and over and not getting much.

i will add growing up in the 80s there was much nostalgia for the pop culture of the 60s. 

pop culture of the 80s was great. But America in Reagans 80s America was not great. Trickle down economics never trickled down. It’s worse today because the hate mongering is well out in the open and they aren’t even trying to hide it and unlike the 80s Republicans would have rejected it overt hate mongering. Now many

I’m slightly heartened with myself by the fact that i didn’t know what you were talking about and had to think about it for a bit. I didn’t really know that was “a thing.” Honestly, feet gross me out. I’ve no idea why people like looking at feet. That and the spitting thing. gross.

She didn’t say a single lie. Amen!!! I fully support the stance.

I know exactly who she is. I’m not giving her a cent though but good luck to her. 

I doubt she will reach that level because Rihanna is playing in a different pool. Her audience is women and she is an icon. Women want to emulate her and her market is a cash cow, cosmetics & underwear. Cosmetics are also something you don’t buy one of, you constantly have to buy more. Hopefully underwear too lol. But

all off the backs of dumb horny suckers. Way to go. A fool and his money...blah blah blah. Fleece them fools.

I might be wrong but I believe pans manufactures after 2013 do not contain PFAS in the US by law. Also it is my understanding that with PFAS the issue is that the coating can break down at high heat. Thus if you use the pans as intended, at low heat, you are better off anyways. Again, that’s my understanding. I’m no

As a general rule i’ve learned with nonstick pans it’s best to cook only foods at a low temp. Primarily eggs and things i’m going to brown at very very low temps/a low flame.

Japanese gamers DEFINITELY and have long had different tastes than, American gamers. i can’t speak for Europe. But yeah that’s not exactly new.

i would think that is also a function of who is calling into these shows. Country music wins American TV shows all the time, and like folk pop singers because the audience is overwhelmingly white, older, middle America. those are the sort of people who will call into an American Idol. So i’m guessing this list slants