
i don’t think gun culture or being aroused by guns has anything to do with shooter popularity. Shooters got popular with things like Quake, Unreal tournament which are fantasy and shooting monsters and games like Golden Eye. I think it was much more about the growth of competitive pvp gaming.

No sports games either i noticed. It’s just a different gaming culture too.

This a Japanese poll so the sort of games in here are understandable. that said...

I’m thinking you’d want the opposite. More transmissible means more disease and more mutations and possibly one that is far less controlled by current vaccines.

College and drinking pretty much go hand in hand so i can see that situation a mile off. Not that i think you’re wrong for not wanting to do what you don’t want to do.

I’ve never seen people badger a non drinker for not drinking. And the vast majority of my friends drink alcohol. Nobody cares what the other people do. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen because i’m sure it does and some fratboy chad types could go that way. But it’s not normal. It far more reflects on that person. In

For some people, especially true of those in recovery, it can be triggering to be around someone drinking. And for some people who don’t drink they just might not like or enjoy being around people who drink or [People who] are drunk. Like I smoke and...”

I think if you’re buying things you don’t want or to excess because it’s black friday you have a problem.

the stupidest thing is these girls, indiefoxx included, don’t really need the stunts that get them banned. They are getting views because they are beautiful. They could get paid tons from their subs for as long as they have their looks. So why do stupid shit and kill you your income source? Dumb.

Sadly not remotely surprised.

If we Americans were not so racially hateful and sexist man we’d be the greatest damn nation around. We wouldn’t have spent decades neglecting large parts of every city and have giant hole in our healthcare, education, law enforcement, legal, housing systems. And we wouldn’t be spending ridiculous amounts of money to

Honestly, i doubt it will. Black people expect him to walk. Granted there can always be an idiot here or there that wants to break shit just cause. And white people rioting for this? I don’t know. Half if not more think killing people protesting for equal rights should be lawful. That Ahmaud Arbery case though will be

lol. my dad can’t say Snicker bar. He calls it “Sniggle bar.” It also makes me irrationally upset.

well when it comes to people protesting in favor or equality then the police can mobilize. But for people they like that want to overthrow democracy then they are a bit slow to get going.

yeah. I mean we can see the bias. Look at how the cops reacted. To them a white kid in a crowd with a rifle and people following him saying he killed someone doesn’t get arrested. They just waive him by. Because for large parts of America, a white guy with an assault rifle is not fundamentally seen as a threat. That’s


He’s gonna walk cause America. And large parts of America think a vigilante kid who drives to another town with a rifle is perfectly acceptable and is not provoking people.

Now playing

The verse was actually originally coined first by Notorious BIG in the song “One More Chance Remix” - Notorious BIG 1995

The statement is entirely necessary for context. The premise of the article is in the title “Resigned Due To Being ‘Tokenized, Marginalized, And Discriminated Against’

Exactly. I guess if you’re rich you only get to cosplay as Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne. You never get to cosplay as tv character of regular means.