
Portsmouth v. Chelsea

people need to shut their mouths till they have proof someone did something wrong. it's america. innocent until proven guilty I say. If he did it fine. But i don't like hanging people in the court of public opinion. I just say put up or shut up. If you have proof present it. Otherwise you come off looking like a

What's worse is I totally know the point he was trying to make. but then again i've been listening to brits for years so my ear is tuned to it.

most mp3 are just fine. i'mnot an audiofile but my dad is. he cares i just don't.

most mp3 are just fine. i'mnot an audiofile but my dad is. he cares i just don't.

i thought about this a while back but decided the it was easier to just spend $5 since i live like 10 minutes from Guitar Center and Sam Ash.

regarding poker and lieing.

@AlienSex: webos needs a shit load of stuff. hell between gizmodo, endagdet, and lifehacker i see like ten decent mainstream apps get released for iphone and like 5 for android every week. For webos its nothing. hell i think the last release that wasn't a game by anybody i've ever heard of was engadget app. like i'm

like all things baseball. this takes way too long for me to endure.

i need this for my palm pre.

bottom line. If Tiger doesn't play I don't care to watch. I sure as hell don't care about a chick named Jesper. They out to thank Tiger for bringing any interest to the sport at all. Without him almost nobody cares.

@car-ramrod: taking a charge is not and never has been a dive. first it's part of the game. second when you take a charge there is actual contact unlike a dive where there is not contact. a dribbler running into a stationary player in basketball is a foul. a dribbler running into a stationary player in soccer is not a

i believe a similar function is served by merely dousing yourself with cold water. I think it's why ironman triatheletes pour water all over themselves rather then always just drinking the water on the water stations.

i'd rather just go to costco. and it's worth the time saved plus the taste to just go to the store across the street and buy a box.