
link to desktop here

Is there a link to the wallpaper or at least a name?

@keycool: security is a much bigger concern for many companies then storing the email.

@keycool: take if from a business's perspective. They can keep the files but it cost money for more server space. Not to mention just leaving mail with confidential documents attatched is a security risk. Many companies don't even allow you to attach documents. So there are many businesses that just don't want masses

@gerrrg: seriously? not sure about that. The Pre is nice and the OS is looks a lot nicer then the utilitarian looking Android. I have t-mobile but if i have the money i'm switching to the Pre. And i don't have a G1 either because of the lack of flash, normal audio jack. I like a physical keyboard so a software one

@neely615: @battra92: You're an idiot with no sense of humor. Go play in traffic. Write that in your moleskin.

@neely615: Hilarious. I was thinking the same thing.

How do we hide that mantle and all that crap on top that's in the way of my tv.

God I fucking hate anti TV snobs.

I have no need for all this. But i will say i think maybe life hacker needs a section about art because things like this and cubical decoration seem more like are to me. well i guess it's a "lifehack" but i think people appreciate the art and creativity in thes things.

buying for two week means you'll waste all kinds of stuff that will spoil. I live alone anyways. If i buy two weeks worth of food it will all go bad. Like Bananas, lettuce, etc. Now if you're buying crap like Captain Crunch and tv dinners fine. that stuff last forever. but real food often goes bad quickly and freezing

@Honkycat: i don't care about manicures so long as you don't do the polish. But I don't need a scrub or any loofas or nothing. I need ivory soap and some lotion. Done. but the idea of this is like one of those Miller High life commercials.

@robinsparkles: I'm a damn man. My feet are supposed to be rough. Cause men need rough feet to kick lots of ass.

I'm a fricken man. I don't need no body scrubs!

These books are valuable but incorrectly assume people have money to invest at all.

I can't think of an update to itunes that I've used since like Itunes 5. The way I see it, Apple continues to add features nobody is asking for and won't add the ones they do ask for. Obviously "nobody" is an oversimplification but you get my point.

@jmb1983: yeah should have put the caveat. Won't get attractive girls.

nice electronics but not my cup of tea. it's a bit overkill and for a living room it's kinda tacky. Too nerdy for me. It's like a dorm after someone's rich dad let them have the credit card. I'd say buy some decent couches tables and furniture. Homemade boxes look cheap. Move half of that stuff into it's own room.

best mkv to mp4 converter for me is ripbot. works for ps3 and xbox and a bunch of other stuff. i use nothing else.