
Outside of celebrity musicians, I know many auditions are done blind behind a screen in many musical schools and orchestras to prevent sexism/racism, etc. etc.

So, this led me to the pitifully small article on wikipedia about her.

You know, I'm sure the same words could apply whilst clothes shopping with her. "Just pick one, Gaga...I said one! Not tuxedo AND galoshes AND tube top!"

I thought the same. If the song's cadence didn't call for so many edits, I would say just have the whole video in the field between her and her male alter-ego. I was eating that part up, and waiting for the other parts to end.

Like taking a test to vote, right? I get your sentiment, but in implication you just -have- to realize how wrong that could go.

Yep, sounds about right. I saw the woman who headed the design team for the tissue give a talk. Basically, especially when it comes to design, it's about finding problems that everyone overlooks. People over the 20's demographic didn't see anything wrong with a tissue box that looked like it could go with their

I agree with you, but the market these are targeted at might think differently.

Laugh all you want. These sold at a higher price point than the regular kleenex products, and were WILDLY successful. What I'm saying it... don't put it past people to buy these.

I can totally relate this to the constructed narrative of Black "progress" over the years. As Chris Rock put it, "Black people didn't make progress... White people have gotten -less- crazy."

I feel like something that was left out was weight expectations. I think we all know of a number passed around as the "perfect" weight for a woman, whereas for any woman 5'8" plus (I'm 5'9"), it's completely unrealistic. While I can try to think logically about this, it always makes me nervous to toss out my number

Typically, the fear with over-experienced people is their not being challenged with the position, and always looking out on the horizon for something better. Having someone split after six months or a year can really hurt a company, especially if they're small.

Yes! I remember practicing for MONTHS when my high school was selected to fly to California and march in the Rose Bowl Parade. I would have to say it equally goes for remembering the music. Towards the end, I couldn't tell you what the notes were in order, my fingers just did the work automatically on my clarinet.

It's.... okay, we partied twice as hard.

You know we're not a "look" to be adapted, right? I know you're kidding (hopefully), but all these comments about " I want to ditch my pasty white skin" [quote] are getting old.

But that almost definitely points to possibility B then. Sometimes it's not about all designers being males with male gaze... it's about assholes that, unfortunately, make us do these horrible,not aesthetically pleasing things.

Seriously, this site just doesn't know anything when it comes to design. Period.

I'm in the States, and we get their Ginger Ale, Tonic Water, and Club Soda.

Yep. I would say most of my white guy friends think this way. Or, if they're willing to date a black girl, they certainly don't see themselves marrying one, etc.

Yep, it's like an instant "no". People really don't seem to understand that. The only thing that comes close to it, close, is maybe womens' opinions of dating Asian men, whatever race the girl is. You have the small set of decent people willing to date Asian men/Black women, and a handful of Asian culture obsessed