
In my experience, I find the way that interracial marriages was written about to be troublesome. It seems mostly that guys are not willing to date black chicks, whatever their color is, not that we're so INCREDIBLY picky that we stay to our own race.

Reminds me of my first racism awakening. I joined a game of soccer, only to receive basically the same response you did, replacing "girl" with "black". Though I'm sure he could have called me out on my girlness as well.

To be fair, we knew -this- was coming. When Chicago shuts down public schools (which it doesn't do when it's -30F/-34C), you know it's bad.

It is, vaguely. If you follow through some "dub" referencing tracks from Bauhaus up through Gorillaz, you get to the London roots of Dubstep eventually.

You're thinking of Dub music.

I'm actually kind of the surprised your Chicago one was by a cyclist. Those guys with the fancy bikes and equipment on Lakeshore just seem so wrapped up in themselves.... in the most douchenozzle way, to even notice anyone else.

I wouldn't say so. I'm from the Pacific Northwest, and Chicago is WAY worse, now that I live here.

In my head the Deliverance them started playing after the "Ya'll" with a really long pause.

There is some dirt, actually. When you're the only big company on an impoverished island, you can get away with a lot.

Man, this new reply system is confusing.

@elizalegs Chipping in with more advice from a biracial person. Make sure your daughter has exposure to more role models than American historical ones... it can be very depressing. I remember getting books on Harriet Tubman from my white mom's friends... and my mom gave me an American Girls Addy doll in hopes of a

That example card is horrible, but I'd love to see a recreation of the notorious business card scene from American Psycho redone with a group of stay-at-home moms out to lunch. Because I never get tired of American Psycho mashups.

Too bad they're owned by the same group as Fiji Water. :/

You could have researched before all the incendiary comments on this story. The child is a little lighter than Berry, with blue/green eyes and medium brown hair.

Now, this is unisex sexiness. Bulgari Black. Yes please.

Read the linked explanation, if it really takes that.

I think a lot of the more extreme comments coming from fellow mixed raced people and people of African descent are coming from a much more 50/50 realm. If you ask me what the country sees me as, I would have no doubt that most white people see me as full black, but not all, and most black people see me the opposite.

Also of that background, here. While I agree with you for our generation, I could see things being much more ambiguous for a child that is 1/4.

To be fair, Halle's opinions are probably shaped by the fact that she's 50/50 to begin with. This seems more like a ploy to separate the child from the father's family... even though three of her grandparents AND her father are 100% white.