
I don't think you're familiar with her background. The child is both, just like Halle is both. Her mother is white. I have the same background, and think calling the child black in a case where most of their family on mom -and- dad's side will be white could be just as a confusing.

Seems like a lot of people are forgetting that Halle Berry is 50/50 mixed race herself, which makes her comments of her child's background even more strange.

@mahmahmahpokerface: Seriously... I continuously find myself clicking on the profiles on 5-day-beard grad boys, professors, and psychologists as if that's all there is on the site.

Oh yeah, just opened a conversation with a guy on OKC with a critical essay on post-postmodernism.

@GelatoSunrise: I live in this wintery mess right now, but where I came from has an equally stereotypical forecast.

Yes, I'm in love with this post. While wandering around the west side last night I got -lost- with a friend on the way to a party. We've been in the city for 5 years, and we get lost by the blue line. After asking directions of people, getting opposite directions, and generally having a miserable time as everything

@marciax3: You could always stare at the other changes... the entire background, the color of the shoes, the shaping of her hips....

@marciax3: Nah, you're not. She's totally photoshopped. I can tell because it's part of my occupation.

@kshortie16: I said tends, not always. That was my point, we're all different, and in so many different mixes.

Of course they end the main promo on the best series of ALL TIME.

@marciax3: ....Not necessarily. I agree that she's dark enough to probably have that trait, but anyone in the halle berry/rhianna range (me) tends not to.

@leilah.: I grew up with a black/jew queer identified girl. She will love this so much.

This is a fantastic documentary subject. As a WOC growing up in a white area of the country, it shocked me when I moved to Chicago. Not only was I encountering people that looked like me daily, I found an entire GLBT community outside of the white one presented at the forefront of mainstream straight and gay culture.

Just think, a photoshoot with him and Tila Swinton. I think I would die a little in the best way possible.

It might be, sure... but I find that all the painters I know (excluding non-figurative ones), including myself, tend to paint similar faces sometimes just out of habit. If I'm specifically painting an old man, yes it's going to be different... but ask me to paint a guy or girl in their twenties, and they look like

He maybe jinxed it with his line in the SNL sketch he was recently in.